
What shold you carry with you at all times?

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I live in wpb, florida, and i plan on venturing around on anything thats not a car (seeing as i dont have one to begin with). So im going to have a backpack with me and im wondering what i should have just in case. Like swim shorts, to pencils and paper. A district map, stuff like that.




  1. The 10 Essentials

    These are items that everyone should carry with them. They can save the day and the vacation.

    First, purchase a small f***y pack or very small backpack to hold the 10 essentials.

    1. Wallet with Identification – Hotel business card.

    2. Money/change for a phone call (never to be spent). You may not have cell phone access or cell coverage.

    3. First Aid Kit - 2 or 3 bandages and wet wipe in a zip lock bag - tube of antibiotic cream also.

    4. Hat

    5. Sunglasses

    6. Sunscreen -

    7. Water- everyone always carries a water on a leash or clip (solves the problem of “I’m thirsty and the need to buy a soda)

    8. Granola Bar/ Power Bar or some sort of energy bar (to be eaten only during an emergency - At the end of trip, eat the energy bar. Otherwise you may find the pack and the energy bar, at the bottom of the closet growing mold!

    9. Tiny Flashlight ( nothing worse than trying to find something in the car at night)

    10. One large Trash bag – sounds silly but it can be used to sit on wet grass or sand or as Emergency rain gear (rip a hole in the bottom for the head and in the sides for the arms then slip it on. It’s not stylish but you will be dry. You can even use it as a trash bag!  remember, plastic bags are not toys.

    Every trip is different and you may need to modify the list of items to fit the needs of the trip. The trick is to keep it light and easy to wear.

  2. A pocketknife and food.

  3. water bottel

  4. sunscreen and water

  5. baby wipes and copenhagen

  6. Identification card, Medical Insurance card (or at least a copy, just in case), cell phone (for emergencies), an emergency credit card (buying your newfound buddies drinks is not an emergency! Needing emergency transportation back home IS an emergency!) & don't leave home without deoderant, toothbrush & toothpaste!

    Have fun!

    I agree with the above: water/waterbottle, sunscreen & pocketknife. As for the food, those little packets of dried soup is terrific, all you have to do is add hot water! A friend & I did that in Disneyland a bunch of years ago. Its cheap & easy to carry. Wont take alot of room.

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