
What shopuld my 800m time look like and how do you run it.?

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My 400m time is 56.9 what should I be getting in the 800? And also how should I be running the 800?




  1. well i'm a distance runner not a sprinter but my 800 time is 2:17

    do the first lap at a strong but consistent pace ( definatly under 70 seconds) then when you get to the 150meter mark speed up. you want to speed up here because you can get ahead before other people and wont get locked in when that final curve comes around. then once you get to the straight-away just let loose and pump your arms. dont stop running at the finish line but aim for around 5 meters past it or else you slow down to soon. hope this helps :)

  2. Thats a very good 400 time.  My estimation for your 800 would be around 2:10 if you run the first lap in 66secs and the 2nd in 64secs.  Depending on your stamina you might even be able to go faster

    good luck

  3. I'd give you a time, but I live on the very top of the Rocky Mountains, and with much less oxygen, distance times are way different here than they are at the shore.

    Anyways, Once you do figure out a time, why not try dividing that time into 4, and then run some 200 intervals at a pace that would give you an ideal split for your 800, just to get the pace down.  Durring the start of the race, you deffinatly want to be sure to go faster than your pace, not so much that you're going to expend yourself and have a hard time with the next 700 meters, use your best judgement, but you want to be twords the front, and after that first 100 yards you can start settling into your normal pace.  The reason you want to make sure you get ahead durring the start is so that you don't get boxed in, meaning you're on the inside in lane one, and you're completly surrounded by others, because then you can't go slower, can't speed up to pass anyone, you're just forced to go their pace until the group breaks up a little.  That's something that's common in distance races, and particularly in the 800, because with only two laps, you don't have much time to make up for anything you lose.  That and, if you go faster at the start, peple have to pass your rather than you pass them.  As nice as it feels to pass people, doing alot of it is going to hurt your time, the shortest point between two distances is a straight line, so whoever has to stray out into lane 2 has to run more than 800 meters.

    Past that, just keep your pace, and by the last 200, pick it up again, have a good turnover around the corner, and use anything that you have left on the home streach.

    While you run, control your breathing, relax your hands and your shoulders, and whoever is infront of you, keep your eye on them and look at nothing else, just for your focus and to be sure they never get further away.  Within reason, go stray to far from the pace you practiced.

  4. Oh wow, that's a really good 400 time.

    But, you asked for 800 tips, so here we go.

    Given your 400 time, i would anticipate a maximum 2:15 800 time for you. Some think that you'd be able to run a sub-2:00 time, but that's a large feat; you'd be sprinting for a half-mile.

    If you want to get a good 800 time, better than a 2:15, then listen up. Some say the 800 is the hardest race, even harder than a 400, just because is is short enough to run fast but long enough to get tired out easily.  Here's a chart: (each target time is for each 200; the split is for each 400)

    First 200 - Go faster than usual here, because you want to get to the front. It is easier to maintain a first or second place pace than to attempt to get to the front later on. If you can't get to the front here, then that's ok, you don't want to tire yourself out.

    TARGET TIME: 32 seconds

    Second 200 - Here's where you will find your pace for the rest of the race. Try to stay steady, and it's ok to go slower than the first 200. Keep trying to stay in the front. You're halfway done!

    TARGET TIME: 34 seconds

    FIRST 400 SPLIT: 1:06

    Third 200 - Ok, try to keep your 34 second 200 here, too. This is pretty much the same as the second 200. If you need motivation, just think... once you are done this, you are only 200 meters from the finish!

    TARGET TIME: 34 seconds

    Fourth 200 - You are almost done! Give it all you have here, gradually speeding up for the first 100 meters here then going all out for the final 100 meters. You probably already know this, be oh well... make sure to sprint past the finish line. Don't stop before it, because you would be slowing down before the race is over.

    TARGET TIME: 31 seconds.

    SECOND 400 SPLIT: 1:05

    Total time: 2:11

    Ok, so while you may be faster than this guide is catered to, this was for someone who is relatively new to the 800 meter run. If you need to, just take a few seconds off each 200.

    Good luck, and I hope this helped!

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