
What shortening brand do they sell in grocery stores here in Germany?

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In the US, I used Crisco, but don´t know the deutsch word for shortening, or the brands, sold here in Germany.

Can I get this at Aldi or Lidl, or do I have to look elsewhere?




  1. You can get Palmin or Biskin, similar like Crisco. I'm not sure they have this brands by Aldi or Lidl, but ask Pflanzenfett, perhaps they having another products. You can find this products on the shelves where the sugar, flavor are.

  2. s Backfett/Pflanzenfett shortening (Crisco = Palmin Soft)

    You should be able to get it at just about any of the market places...

  3. It's "Pflanzenfett" or "Bratfett" and I know that Aldi Süd (the one with the yellow blue sign) sells it - you can find it there close to the cash desks by the types of margarine. Another brand would be "Palmin", you can find it in every supermarket except for Aldi and Lidl (those two sell only their own brands).

    For baking I would say you should try it with "Sanella", it's very good and I guess the most common shortening for baking ;-)

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