
What shoud i do about my close friends? their changing and being weird.?

by  |  earlier

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the first one is kinda moody and wont talk to me anymore

she did a couple days ago but now she wont...and i don't know what i did. she ignored my call last night when i was going to try to talk to her.

and the second girl is what i think is my best friend almost my sister.

i don't know how to talk to her about how i feel because she just ignores it. she just has attitude whenever we text or anything.

I'm a big people person so i HATE when someones mad at me and i don't know how to get them back,

or what i should do....

can anyone help?




  1. if i were you, i would leave them. they will learn if their that way then they will lose a friend. make new friends this year.

    if they give you attitude for no reason then forget them.

  2. You have to relax. I lost so many CLOSE friends this year. People change. Its as simple as that. And I know its not easy to accept that. You can try to talk to them, but if there behavior continue; life goes on and you have to move with it. Sometimes people don't realize what they have till it's gone. Im sorry and I know what your going through.

    Hope this helps.

    -- Isaiah.

  3. Don’t push yourself on them; it will only make the situation worse. You will annoy them and they won't talk to you again.  

  4. Text both of them and just say that you are sad that they won't talk to you.  Ask what you can do to get them to talk to you.  

    It would help if you talked to a guidance counselor about it too.  They have helped others with the same problem.  They know the questions to ask to get you thinking and help find a solution so this doesn't happen again and again.

  5. Tell them your sorry for anything you did. Or you could ask what was wrong? Anyways, I hope I helped.

  6. OMG! Some of my friends were like that. What I did was I acted really nice to them and asked what was wrong like all the time. I tried to send funny/happy texts that would cheer them up. I make some brownies and gave them some. Then I had a sleepover with them and we played video games, computer games, board games and talked. We played truth or dare and it got my friend to tell us what was wrong. I know how you feel, its annoying when friends act like this but you just have to put on a smile and try to be the best friend in the world!

    (Also try not to make jokes about your friends, like if your friend does something like drop a glass and you go you're such a klutz, i can't take you anywhere without breaking something, she'll get mad. I said a joke to my friend and she told me I was always making fun of her, and I was like I was yeah don't do that)

  7. Get them both together and ask them...What did I do or say that has both of you treating me like i did something wrong? If I hurt either one of you then I am sorry, but I don't know what I did. Our friendship is important to me, so let's be honest here, if I have done nothing wrong then why are you ignoring me?   Do NOt text to both of them together so they don't get the chance to carry tails back and fourth to each other. Be a grown up about texting!!

  8. Moody one: Maybe it's that time of year again for her [period] give her about a week and talk to her. Be nice to her, she might be stressing out or going through a tough time. Give her a few days and then call her. Tell her you have to talk to her. If she ignores the call again, leave her a voicemail letting her know that if she's mad at you, then you're sorry. Tell her you really want to stay friends. If she still doesn't want to talk to you, you should ask her if something bothering her.

    Best friend/sister: Ask her if she's mad at you, and if she is, ask her why and then apologize even if you feel you didn't do it. I have a friend just like her and we are always fighting and she just ignores everything I say to her. Just give her some space and make plans with other friends, even if you're not that close with them. Have a fun night out to get your mind off of your two close friends. You can't worry about them too much.

  9. GIRLS...i kno i am one but stil.......(sigh)Girls....

    look i would txt them an just ask is anything up??how they feel??do they think they'v changed??

    there no point sittin being afraid of what they say

    plus it could be there period lol

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