
What should Hillary do after she loses to Obama?

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For one, I think she will get the F%$#$ out of DODGE (New York) as fast as possible because the FRONT is no longer needed.




  1. Stop fake smiling at everyone :), yeah thats harsh but I really don't like her fake candor. Maybe she will finally divorce bill and come out the closet haha.

  2. she should accept defeat and move on.maybe start a charity organization.

  3. adopt a black child and name it obama and smack iy everyday

  4. give up

  5. She will become majority leader of the US Senate .  She's well respected in the senate believe it or not .  She has the drive and determination to get things done in the senate .  She would also be the second most powerful person in the country in that position .

  6. She'd probably be stupid enough to hang around and try again in 4 years

  7. run for prez after 8 years of obama

  8. She will continue to work as the NY senator, while Obama will create more welfare and give away programs to appease his supporters!

  9. The race isn't over yet.

  10. Attempt to heal the racial rift that her and her husband initiated in the Democratic Party. Secondly, she should get to business as New York State Senator, working on all of the things she said she would do as President but for the people of her "home state"

  11. hopefully resign from the Senate and leave NY in shame

    her being elected president was our best chance of getting rid of her

  12. Re-run for president in 4 years, if she loses this election.

  13. IF it were to happen

    she should go back to the Senate and fight as hard as she can against President John McCain's Bushco type policies that Obama has doomed the country to,

    due to his NOT withdrawing from the race after being exposed as a racist and elitist !!

  14. She would still be senator of  the state of New York.

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