
What should I Change my last name to?

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My First name is Brittany and my last name is Kelsall [Kel-sal]

I HATE my last name and i don't want to be realated to my sister, or have the same last name.

I was thinking of:

"LaRose" [ my grandmas name]

"Greenlaw" this is my dads last name [ i don't like it!!]

"Brooks" - no reason i just like the was Brittany Brooks sounds.

So can I get your oppions on what last name is better,

Or if you have a better last name?




  1. If you were to adopt another surname, chose either La Rose or Greenlaw, because that will make it easier for latter generations to trace their ancestry.  Kelsall is an English name associated with a particular village as well as the Society of Friends (or Quakers).  Greenlaw is a Scottish name associated with a village near the English border, and LaRose (as in Larose, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana) is French.

  2. Go with LaRose.  It sounds kind of classy with Brittany and just rolls right off the tongue.

  3. Spears :+)

  4. Romano

  5. brittany spears;) jk, anyways, i like brooks-dido ur reason

  6. Murphy.

    But seriously, Brooks sounds pretty good.

  7. Being completely serious for a minute. A judge is going to ask the reason for your name change and the choice of name. If you give him the reasons that you gave us, it's not likely to be approved. Then you'll have spent hundreds of dollars and will still share your sister's last name. The best advice, even if it's not what you want to hear, is to hold on to what you have and find a guy with a really great name and who you really love. Marry him and change your name for the $35 it costs for a marriage license instead of the $750-1000 that it will cost you to do it through the court.

  8. the serious answer is that unless you are over 18, your parents are the only ones who can legally petition to change your name.


    with respect.. changing your name will NOT make it "easier" to trace your family.

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