
What should I DO about this baby???

by Guest57042  |  earlier

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My mom just told me that she's pregnant and i don't know what to say...I'm really kinda pissed cuz she can hardly afford the first 4 kids she had let alone another one....the dad doesn't want it and it was an accident because she did have her tubes tied.....she hasn't considered how having another kid is going to effect our family and the child...the baby is going to have brothers and sisters 30,25,22,21,19,18,13,13,12 years older than it and a nephew and a niece 3, and 2 years older than it....She can't afford to take off work and can't afford a baby sitter and she's already trying to send 2 kids to college and she's mad that i'm not all happy for her..but what's she expect she's already struggled with 4 and i feel like because the dad doesn't want it and she's gonna end up alone trying to take care of another kid with no help and no moneyto support it................what ami supposed to do???




  1. How about think of someone else besides yourself. You said she had her tubes tied so this was an accident. What do want from her, she tried to not get pregnant. **** happens, deal with it. And be there for your mom, help her out, get a job and quit whinning.

  2. The first thing don't worry!!!

    My dad raised me and my 5 brothers up in a tiny wooden ranch on the outskirts of Houston. We hardly had any money!!! To get me into college my oldest brother who's 10 years older than me worked four different jobs!! Yes it can be hard to live with and yes you might struggle for the first few months to buy diapers but everyone can go through it.  She won't end up alone because there's plenty more fish in the sea hopefully next time your mum will catch a good one that will look after all of you!!!

  3. Tell her how you feel and leave it at that. Everyone has the right to choose what they do with their life. So go and get a job and make your own money so you do not have to worry abpout the financial struggles. good Luck!

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