
What should I Do? I've procrastinated so much!!!!?

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Here's what I've got to do and print out before Sept. 4:

-Read about 80 pages of "The American Pageant" text book and take notes for a test on Sept. 9

-Read 5 summer reading books and write 5 reports on them (The Importance of Being Earnest, Three Cups of Tea, To The Lighthouse, Othello, and Things Fall Apart)- I'm having a test on Three Cups of Tea absolutely

-Read a long AP Spanish "short" story and answer questions on it

-Write up several AP Spanish reports

-Take a day to get my hair ready for school




  1. get started now and stop procrastinating more by asking on yahoo answers what to do. you need to do what you should have done months ago and just do it

  2. you're not alone..i need to finish stuff by have a lot more than me ap summer work includes three 2-4 page essays on history..i had to read 4 chapters in a textbook..and then 4 chapters in this reg. history book to do the essays..which took a lot of time..and then 3 summer reading 2 1/3 of another..did an essay..did half of one..need to do the other one completely..need to read anothr book by tomorrow..

    sorry for making this about's what you should do

    Do you HAVE to have your hair done? Can't you sacrifice it? Also, why a whole day? Anyway, take advantage of all your time. Maybe even pull an all nighter if you have to.

    hold off on the reading and taking notes..

    Start reading the books now..then write about them right after you finiish..maybe you can skim a little and rely on sparknotes or something..

    reading the short story.answer the the reports

    then once those are done and passed in..start reading and studying for that other thing may think to yourself "omg i'm never gonna finish' or get nervous which will make you not start..but think logically..getting as much as you can get done is better than nothing..

    if you don't get to finish all five books..just read summaries AT LEAST

    you have plenty of time if you just focus on all your work..sacrifice pleasure and get to work..i am right now..but i had to take a break to make spinach first so now i'm going back to work..(leanred from my procrastinating mistakes last year)

    *By the way, some people work better under pressure.

  3. First: Read "The American Pageant" and take notes. Study a little bit everyday for about 20mins or so.

    Then, Read a summer book a day and write the report after.

    Next, read the short story and answer the questions. This won't take long, so you can start brainstorming on your AP Spanish Reports on the same day you do that.

    The last day before school starts, go do your hair.

  4. If it takes a day to get your hair ready for school, cut it!

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