
What should I SAY to my ex?

by  |  earlier

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If he asks if I slept with anyone since we broke up (apart from non of your business lol)




  1. yeah

    Of course!!

    what about you:)

  2. Why is he still asking you such private qns? Theres no need to explain anything to him. He loses the privilege the moment he becomes the EX. So your better off on your own and doing watever u want....its a free life for you now. So take it easy and dont bother okay.

  3. Lol well its none of his business! But apart from that its either yes or no

    or you tell him you slept with an alien and hope he will change the subject ;))

  4. well have you? he might be asking because hes slept with other people OR he wants to get back with you. maybe he just wants to feel like a man. YOU ask him what he means and if hes slept with anyone

  5. He's obviously interested if you have, and therefore if you have moved on - i would say.  It might be better to be honest in this situation, If you have, then that shows you have moved on to some extent.  If you haven't it doesn't mean you haven't moved on, but may imply this. I would say decide what message you want to give him before answering.

  6. Did you? LOL



    3.umm(counting)'s about 4 or 5..

  8. dont give him a straight answer but give him  the impression that you did... o dear im turning you into a *****, nut its true! :)

  9. depends whether you want to reveal your private life to him anymore, you yourself have the freedom to say what you want

  10. Tell him "Yea, and it was amazing. He did things to me you couldn't imagine. Oh and his p***s, Soo big!". That'll make his day.

  11. Say, "Yes, too many to count. But your best mate was the first."

  12. okay then...

  13. You can respond to that question with a question by asking why does he wish to know if you are sleeping with anyone?

  14. most ex's ask b.c thy wanna c if yu REALLY r over thm

    and to be nosy.

    So Its up to you.

    its yur business not theres..

  15. thats what you should say. It IS none of his business.....

  16. I agree with PLM, but substitute that "PLM" part with "straycat".  

    Much better.

  17. No? ur a free agent. he lost the right to know when u split up. hense he is now your ex.

  18. Personally I think none of your business works just fine. He's your ex and it no longer has anything to do with him who you have or do not have in your bed. End of story. Or you could just laugh and tell him to p*ss off.

  19. It depends, do you want to get back with him, have you slept with someone, are you worried about his feelings etc etc.

    Personally I would say none of your business but keep it light hearted..

    I guess the worst thing is to say yes as it will hurt him. If you have and he finds out, you can explain your lying as just trying to protect his feelings.

  20. i have a few ideas for you

    tell the truth what does it matter if you have it is none of his business

    ask him the same question.

    ask him why he wants to now about your private life you are no longer together

    or say yeah why you had your chance and you blew it.

  21. It ISN'T any of his business!

    Are you asking him the same thing?

  22. tell him you met this guy that goes by the internet notoriety of "PLM" and he was the monster F of the year... there is no way any other man can hold a candle to him and you're finished with all others.  Go away and have a nice life signed misery loves company

    aside from none of your business that should frost the cake nicely and achieve your desired effect nicely whatta you think?

  23. Tell him that since you split that you have realised that size IS important

  24. talking like you still own me --- when we split the sheets --- means you need to get a life !!!

    good luck .

  25. just tell him the truth?

    he is your EX for a reason.

  26. ask him why he wants to know! could be that he has & feels a little guilty & if u say u have too he wont feel so bad!!

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