
What should I ask for, for my birthday?

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I am turning 12 in 18 days and all my relatives are asking me what i want. Last year it was so easy for me to pick. but, not this year! I have an ipod, nintendo ds, cell phone, a wii, and a laptop. i don't want stuff for those things though. i cant be over about $60 though. help me out. i want a guitar. i told my parents that. cant have any pets. already have a cat and bird. what else did i forget. ohhh! of course! I AM A GIRL!




  1. If you don't know what to ask for, then there isn't anything you really want.  This is a good thing.  That means that you are a happy person with a fulfilling life.  So ask for nothing.  Tell your relatives to give their money to someone less fortunate than you.

  2. Ask your mum to take you shopping, thats what mine did for all my bdays and still does today! (i just turned 25!) its great girly time and fun to get new clothes!

    not into clothes, ask for the cash instead and save it towards your guitar! :)

  3. Guitar song book


    New video games

    your own computer

    the world

  4. a gift card to your favorite store

    or a visa gift card to use anywhere you want

  5. How about you ask everybody for money, and then on your birthday youll have enough money to get a TRICKED OUT GUITAR.


  6. holy hanna. I am 18 and the only thing I have out of your list is an ipod. If I were you, I would tell 'em to take the money they would spend on a gift and just start a college account for me. My parents didnt do anythign like that for me, and now I wish someone would've. But I guess you wont think that is good, so I would say ask for CD's movies/DVD's. A TV to put in your room, and a VHS/DVD player.  I've had to buy my own clothes since i was in 6th grade. And I never got any for my b-day or christmas, so I would ask for clothes. If you want to pick em out, just ask for like gift cards to all your fav. places. I wanted a mini fridge in my room before I even thought about getting a laptop, so maybe you'd like that. There's always just candy stuff, and games.  I dunno what else there is. I would say a new backpack, but i guess school just started. Anyway, good luck with deciding what you want. Hope this helped!!  Oh, you didnt say you had a camera! You could ask for a nice digital camera. You have a lot for a 12 year old.

  7. Have everyone chip in and buy you a savings bond that matures when you are 18.  You've already got way too much for a child of 12 anyway.  

  8. a car

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