
What should I ask in a sponsor?

by Guest60372  |  earlier

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I am trying to line up some sponcers so I can start racing on my local dirt track and I dont know what to ask them. Should I have them just give me so much money every month or should I ask them to provide the car, ect. I NEED HELP can anyone help me.






  1. You should ask your sponsor to provide what they can .. make a list of all the things you will need and have them choose one


  2. ask what they are willing to do

  3. You should just ask what you need. Don't try to take advantage of a company just because their willing to help you. You need to tell them what you'll use the money for, and be sure to put their logo everywhere you can. The more yo help them, the more they'll help you.

    Good Luck.

  4. First you should tell potential sponsors what you will provide them.  Name placement on the car is only the first step.

    Sponsors will pay you for the value you give them.

  5. My brother is a race car driver..... Sprint cars.

    What he does is he and my mom wrote a proposol and handed it to local stores. (I.e. we have Parts plus, a licensing store ect.)

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