
What should I be aware of if I am traveling to Mexico and I am "so" g*y?

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I am going back to Mexico to visit my homeland in Guadalajara along with my mom but the only difference or perhaps big one. Is that I now I am super g*y, "jojojotisimo". I am 17 years old and I wounder if is going to be dangerous to be out there. Should I refrain from been flamboyant and loud? I mean, should I take the critizime from people more as a treat to me than just simple words?_____Advice me please!




  1. Just go as yourself. Your family should love you no matter what.

  2. there is lots of g*y clubs all thru mexico,  im not g*y but i have staggered in some, and there is a lot of ladies that is bi in mexico?????

  3. 17 years old and you already know who you are?   I dont think so, and do yourself a favor,  dont act like you are horny and g*y,  act like a respectful teenager in another land.

  4. I would be careful around strangers...when I was in Mexico it seemed like there were a lot of people with very negative attitudes towards g**s, particularly among men of the less educated variety.  In one city the police had actually been going around shooting transvestites...not trying to scare you or anything, but I would advise caution at least until you're more familiar with things.

  5. well......i wouldn't be overly flamboyant and loud because that's just obnoxious behavior...anywhere.  not having to do with being g*y.  but guadajajara is a very large city and no stranger to the g*y i wouldn't freak out.  however, in large part mexico does not accept the g*y lifestyle.

  6. Yeah, I guess it's best that you keep it discreet, at least in front of strangers (if your family accepts you the way you are -- and that's how it should be -- you shouldn't have to pretend in front of them)..... Yeah, Guadalajara is a large city and people here in Mexico are gradually getting more familiar with g**s and they are not as rejected as they used to be.... but Guadalajara is known for being "tierra de machos" and I don't think they're very appreciative of g**s. I'm not saying they'll beat you up in the street if you look very "joto" but you WILL be rejected -- you know, getting weird looks, people whispering, etc...... Just dress normally and not like a drag queen..... don't be loud or too sissy and you should be OK so that others won't bother you. Mexico is a conservative country and, even though we're becoming more receptive to different life styles, we still have a long way to go. If you don't want to be discriminated, just keep it low profile and no one will bother you..... good luck.

  7. If I were you, I would watch out for Cornholio and Bungholio.

    Heh, heh, heh..

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