
What should I be eating if my forehead is breaking out?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sixteen and have fair, oily skin.




  1. You have to clean your skin from the inside by using zinplex forte that you can buy online at  It is not expensive and it works!!!!!!  If you get heavy outbreaks you can take 3 tabs and once it clears up stay on 1 tab a day!  You will be amazed with how beautiful you skin can look by using this stuff!  I will never stop using it!  I was introduced to it in South Africa and when I came back it was not available in the US, now you can buy it online!!!!  Dont miss out on this!

    They call it natures own antibiotic.  It cleans everything from the inside.

    You will be very happy soon :)

  2. sadly, food isn't the cause of your breakout. but make sure to eat lots of fruits and veggie and get balanced meals, because that can help get rid of most of them.

  3. A lot of fruits and vegetables. Try to cut down on junk food and oily food.

  4. if it's only your forehead, you probably should wash your hair more often if it's prone to oiliness, or avoid leaving a fringe out when you go to bed.  

  5. If you eat much choclate cut it down.. foods high in fat and grease like chips and pizza  can produce a little oil but you are also having a hormone episode this will aggravate it..neutragenna has a brown clear facial bar my son used he had great skin..good luck

  6. Spots on ur forehead, chin and nose are Hormonal spots..meaning that you cannot really control them (i am 22 and still get them!)

    best thing to do is just to take care of your skin!... wash ur face and use a good toner. i recommend simple or anything alcohol free and remember to moisturise, maybe put a light antiseptic on the spots at night (i use savlon)

    your skin should even out soon enough :)

  7. Blue berries are an amazing anti oxident. I try and eat them atleast twice a week. Im kinda in the same predicament as you right now.

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