
What should I be prepared for with my 2 1/2 year old son's circumcision?

by  |  earlier

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My son has been to a urologist because of two large deposits of smegma (dead skin cells, oil, sweat) under his f******n. These deposits are so large that they have caused adhesions and his f******n is stuck to them and will not retract anymore. The doctor said if the cream that he prescribed us doesn't work, he will need a circumcision. I am a bit concerned because of his age. Has anyone else had their son circumcised at this age? What should I expect? How bad will he be hurting? What is the recovery time?Anyone who has experience with this please let me know what to expect. We have been using this cream for over two weeks with no improvement(this cream is supposed to help the f******n away from the shaft, so we can clean out the smegma, but it has not done so yet). Thanks in advance, and no negative comments please! :)




  1. I agree with the above poster- contact DOC... http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.o...

    There is NO reason to circumcise a 2.5 year old. He should not be retractable yet and that is normal. The f******n is NATURALLY adhered to the head of the p***s in young children. The average age of retraction is between 10 and 12 years. Your doctor has no idea what he is doing (not uncommon in america, sadly) I would definitely get a second opinion from a f******n friendly doctor. DOC may be able to give you a referral, at the very least the website has good info on fraudulent reasons for circumcision. -Neb

  2. I'm not sure how this can happen because on a boy that aged the f******n doesn't normally retract, and I've never heard of large smegma deposits that can't be washed away. The cream, presumably betamethasone, does work for tight foreskins, but it doesn't sound like that's really the issue here. Can't the deposits be surgically removed, and then the f******n left to naturally adhere to the head? It's normally attached in pre-pubescent infants and it sounds like you son's f******n is just trying to attach again like it's supposed to and it should be left to do so. I recommend you get another opinion though probably from DOC.


  3. You need another doctor, sounds like the doctor you have wants a easy fix to something thats not really a problem that would require cutting off a portion of the child's most significant sexual body part.  Sounds like the doctor is after more money than the regular doctors visit, yes that will be another 500.00 please pay on your way in.

    Circumcision is a scam from the get go. Please don't do your child harm now that will effect him later on in his s*x life.

  4. I agree with the first answer as well. I had my sons done the day after he was born. To be honest its not a great site. It will bleed a little you have to take care of it and keep it Clean.It will prolly burn or hurt when he urinates. I think my sons looked alot better about a week after it was done. He will be in pain. Im sure you can call his doctor and ask the questions to see what they say. Good luck!  

  5. You've retracted your son's f******n already?

    I doubt that at his age you waited for it to separate naturally.

    You should really consider reading about a boys intact genitals before you mess with them as you have. Some men don't have retractable f******n until their later teens.

    How can f******n be adhered to smegma? If it is, it should still be able to move away from the glans.

    I recommend that you find a doctor that knows what he's doing before you have your son mutilated.


    "this cream is supposed to help the f******n away from the shaft"

    WTF? The f******n can come away from the head but NEVER away from the shaft.

  6. I worked in daycare and had a little boy in my class who had his circumcision done at 2.5. He came back a few days after and he was still swollen and in pain. I'd say it was about two weeks before he seemed to really be healing. He was on pain meds and still playing normally but obviously diaper changes and applying medication were difficult. He would cry when he urinated. I'm not really sure how the first few days went because he was at home. I hope your little guy heals quickly, poor thing. Good luck.

  7. Your son will not be in a large amount of pain.  Modern circumcision techniques have greatly improve that.  They now use a local anesthetic and dissolvable sutures. At his age, he may not even need sutures.  He will have some discomfort until his wound heals and the glans desensitizes.  here is a great support group for you to join.

    they have over 1700 moms as members with circumcised babies and a great deal of experience in this field.

    here are also some sites with resources and information that you can use to better prepare you.

    good luck.  Your son will have a lifetime of health benefits and he wont ever have to worry about smegma again or adhesions.

  8. why was his f******n even retracting, it's not supposed to when that young, please try to save it however you can, it may be a bit of work but he will appreciate it when older

    please read the article below and then the link

  9. I don't think he needs to be circumcised. Given his age you should just allow the f******n to attach to the head and not worry about cleaning underneath it. It is SUPPOSED to be attached.

  10. Please, please, please go to the forum called Case Against Circumcision.  There are parents and professionals who post there who can give you accurate information about your son's separation process.  

    If you can, try to find a Europe-trained urologist, one who is more f******n-savvy.

  11. Your son will be in a large amount of pain, but when he is older he wont have to deal with many of the problems the f******n gives him. The pain can only last for so long. in the end i think he will thank you in the future about having it done :D

  12. Oh dear, oh dear.  Please find another doctor - he doesn't have a clue!

    I am willing to bet your son has nothing wrong with him whatsoever - he certainly does not want to undergo an operation like a circumcision which would damage his p***s in more ways than you can imagine.

    Normal development of the prepuce(f******n):

    As you can see it is only by the age of 13 that most boys have retractable f******n.  So at 2 and a 1/2 virtually no boy has a retractable f******n.  I bet your doctor has also told you to keep pulling it back as well, hasn't he?  Well STOP doing that.  You are making it worse because forcible retraction creates non-retractable scar tissue.  Smegma is not a dangerous substance - and it is unlikely your boy is even producing much at this age.  It is only when he reaches puberty when he starts producing smegma.  

    If you want to know the negative effects of circumcison read this blog:

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