
What should I be??

by  |  earlier

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i am going to be a freshman this year in high school. i have always wanted to be a vetrinarian, but now i have noticed that i am soo interested in pregnancy, and womens health. i would like to help women through their pregnancy, but probably not help them give birth (squeemish, but not with animals. ik, wierd). i was thinking maybe an ultrasound technician. what do u think?




  1. You Should Be Anything You want............NO PREGNECY

  2. whatever makes you happy no one can decide for you.

  3. Of course no one can decide this for you, so I would recommend volunteering in an animal shelter or your local vetenarian office and also volunteering in the OB/GYN in a hospital. This way you can be in both enviornments and get a feel for the different oppurtunites offered in these enviornments.
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