
What should I bring on my vacation to Cuba?

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I'm going to Cuba on Saturday, and I was just wondering if they were anything I should bring with me. (besides my clothes, towels, bikini and shorts, etc.) My hotel is 90 min. from the airport, so I have to take a bus or something. And any heads up on any health issues?




  1. You'll enjoy Cuba, but it will be hot.  Take sunscreen and sunglasses for sure.  You might want to take something for bug bites just in case - I did get a few bad ones when I was there, but bugs love me and we did a day trip out into the countryside and I was walking through fields.  

    Bring along lots of extra toiletries and over the counter medications to give away.  There is a great shortage of things like that in Cuba because of the US embargo.  Things for babies are much sought after - wet wipes, ointments for diaper rash, baby powder, anything like that.

    The kids in Cuba love baseballs and baseball caps so if you can tuck a few of those into your luggage to give away they will be very much appreciated.  My husband and I gave away about two dozen baseballs in Cuba and they caused a great deal of excitement.  Keep in mind that you do need to be discrete about giving things away in Cuba, and talk to your parents about it first and make a plan with them.  But the Cuban people will very much appreciate your gifts.

  2. I suggest you to get a hepatitis shot before you go just in case, but if you get sick they have the best doctors there.  Just take summer clothes very light it is "really hot" there and humid take a camera to take lots of pictures.......and HAVE FUN!!!!!

    Everywhere you go outside your country will irritate your stomach a little maybe some peptobismol or imodium and definetly some Tums.  They cook really good.

  3. just a question...cuba. YOU WANT TO GO TO CUBA?! no offense...

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