
What should I bring on the first day of Middle School?

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What should I bring on the first day of Middle School?




  1. HI HM,

    On the first day of middle school, I would not be weighing myself down with lots of stuff before you know exactly what each of the teachers is going to require you to bring.  They may be handing out books and syllabus requirements  for their classes, which will give you plenty of things to be carrying from hallway to hallway.

    Be Smart!!

    I suggest that you bring one new small spiral notebook for any written instructions or short assignments the teachers will be giving you.  Also bring a new, sharpened pencil and a black or blue ballpoint pen.  When you know specifically what supplies each teacher is requesting (and you will within the first couple of days) you can the bring them to school and by then you will also have been assigned a locker, so you don't have to carry all of the supplies and books at one time to every class.

    I would also bring your backpack to store and bring your books back home in.  

    Also... wear some comfy shoes... you are going to be walking a lot. .

    That is what I would suggest you bring on the first day of school -  then you won't have to worry about keeping up with so much stuff when you have other important things to be thinking about.

    Don't forget your lunch / lunch money either.

  2. a personality, and your school supplies. they give you your locker combo on the first day so you can bring your supplies and put them in your locker

    answer mine;...

  3. Medium size notepad with tabs and pen.

    I'ts always orientaion first day at anything

  4. A small binder with loose paper or a note book. Pencils for sure!

    Maybe a few pens.

    On the first day all the teachers will hand out a syllabus that tells your his/her expectations in class, how they grade things, and supplies that you will need in that particular class.

    Also bring your confidence. you dont wanna be shy on your first day.

  5. on my first day i brought:

    tote bag

    5 subject notebook

    3 binders and notebook paper

    pencil bag full of supplies (pencils, pens, calculator, eraser, etc.)

    expandable file folder


    composition notebook

    extra pencils

    hope this helps!

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