
What should I bring to Basic Military Training (Air Force)?

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Oh c**p. It just now really occurred to me that I'm leaving for BMT tomorrow. There are several lists of things to bring and I'm not sure which one is the correct one!

1. If I want to go overseas for my job, should I bring along my passport?

2. I read somewhere to just forget the lists as the Training Instructor will make you buy everything from the BX so everyone is uniform.

3. Do I have a decision between boxers or briefs? If so, which is the better choice? I would assume briefs for performance, but I'm nearly certain I'd be made fun of for wearing them instead of boxers.

My recruiter said I just need to bring my Direct Deposit form, social security card, and driver's license. Also, the travel sized shampoo, toothpaste, and soap.

Really, any information I can get before leaving would be helpful. I've researched this stuff for months while in the DEP but I really don't want to s***w up anything right before I leave.

Also, I have a wisdom tooth that has broken about 1/4 through the gum. It isn't giving me constant severe pain, but it is an annoyance and I could do without it. If it gets really bad during training, what will happen? If they spot it during the dental inspection, will they remove it right there and then?

Phew. I've watched Full Metal Jacket, videos of Marine and Air Force BMT, read articles and blogs on other peoples experiences, and talked to people who have gone before, and I'm still not sure what to expect. I'm not really nervous, just really really excited.

Any tips are appreciated. Thank you.




  1. You were given a specific list of what to bring by your recruiter.  This list told you every little thing you will need down to exactly how many pair of underwear you need to bring.  BRING WHAT IS ON THE LIST.  That's it.  End of story.  Anything else you bring, you can expect it to either be thrown away or seized during shakedown when you first arrive.

  2. Tomorrow is Labor day, Federal Holiday.

    Bring what is on the list.

    You do not need your Passport.

    Forget the movies, they are only movies.

    Your recruiter told you what to bring. If you have that, well shazam! You have what you need.

    Nobody is going to make fun you because of your underwear.

  3. Bring toothpaste, a toothbrush, shaving cream and a razor.

    Don't bring a lot of civilian clothers.  When I was in the AF, we weren't allowed to wear civilian clothes until we left basic training.

    Don't bring liquor or pornography.

  4. A WATCH and some CANDY (for emergency)! lol

  5. bring your ATM card, you won't need to bring your passport. Bring toiletries. You will get to go to the BX and buy more but it will be good to have some until then. Bring stationary and stamps and pens. Bring black shower shoes bring enough plain civilian shirts to last at least 3 days. I think we were there a week before we got issued anything and you won't want to wear the same thing everyday you will start to smell pretty bad. You can have shaving cream even if it is in an aerosol can. Our security drawers never got checked so it really didn't matter what color body wash we had. I guess it was just in case. Bring the toothpaste that has the flip top. If your wisdom tooth gets really bad during training they will remove it.  


    AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.  I understand that they make you do a lot of running around with your bag the first day which sucks if you packed it full.  When's BMT for you?  Maybe see you there!

  7. GOOD LUCK!  My brother is in the Air Force!  Thanks for joining!

    Bring deodorant.

    Bring a list of addresses of you family.

    Expect to work your *** off.  You are about to train to secure and defend our country.

    You will be lonely.  You will miss your family.  You will make new friends.

    Not sure about our tooth.  I say take aspirin.  My future brother n law was in the Navy and they totally rebuilt his mouth- all his teeth were fixed.  But I think that was after basic.  SO, you may get your tooth yanked after you make it thru basic.

    Good luck!  And thank you for joining the Air Force!

  8. I too have done tons of research on the subject. I also read that they will give you a $250 debit card for purchasing toiletries at the BX. Please, whatever you do, DON'T wear an Air Force t-shirt to BMT!! I read that is a sure way to have the TI single you out and tell you that you haven't earned the right to call yourself a member of the U.S. Air Force. Try to limit your wardrobe to white or gray. Maybe some Brown or black. Just don't wear anything that will stand out (like a shirt with some sort of writing or advertisement on it). Always look down and try to not stand out in any way. Say "yes, sir or no, ma'am, etc... No matter what anyone says to you to try to provoke you, keep your cool and remeber that it is only for six weeks (not the eight weeks that will probably be waiting for me). I hope you have done some training before heading out, and if not, try doing atleast 10-15 push-ups per minute tonight with 25 sit-ups. You will have time to build endurance, but still it helps to go there prepared. Get a good night's sleep tonight, because those will be few and far between for the next month and a half! Enjoy the time you will have with your family, because you will probably not see them until you finish Tech School.

    Wow, my intention was just to give you a quick answer and a fond farewell before you leave, yet I ended up nearly writing an entire testament! Well, I really hope you get the most you can out of BMT (remember, when and if you get yelled at, it's nothing personal, just what they have to do to build a strong and loyal Airman) and that it is just the beginning of a long, dedicated and fruitful career serving your Nation! Congratulations, and thank you for serving!

    Oh! Also, a hint a friend of mine who was in the Air Force told me! Whatever you do, don't bring bar soap! Try bringing clear shower gel and anything else that is colorless (deodorant, clear gel toothpaste, etc...) The reason for this, is that it is much easier to clean shower gel than it is to have the soap area in perfect condition. Also, with clear shower gel, there is no chance your white towel will have any kind of residue (when she went, she had blue shower gel and a little was left on the towel).

  9. 1.  Don't worry about your passport the civilian one isn't good anyway, besides you don't need it.  

    2.bring what you recruiter told you but realize you'll be lugging it around for awhile....they make you march with it and if you bring alot you look like a dumbass...they will take you to the mini shopette/bx to get what you need.... all of your personal supplies are locked up until the end of basic. decision only briefs and you buy them there.

    Do you have a shot record....that might be helpful too...and spray deoterant....realize anything you bring is put in your locker and you have to keep it spotless, so get the toothpaste that gets sucked back in and don't use travel cases for soap and tooth brush...its just one more thing you have to keep clean.....that reminds me get shower gel not soap.

    Don't worry about your tooth.....if its get to bad you'll get to go to sick call....but don't if you call suck it up...its just more attention you don't want to go unnoticed....they won't mess with it in basic..wait until tech school to bring it up.

    email me any questions...I'm a SSgt and about to seperate next week after 8 years...what is your job?

  10. hey dude

    take what the recruiter said and your documents

    you will be issued everything you need

    and any extra you take will be put away till  training over

    don't take anything  except  the small soap shampoo etc

    Yes you will be taken to the px and purchase what they say

    briefs boxers  depends on you dude

    what ever you like

    the tooth

    I'm not sure if they will pull it on the spot or not

    if it acts up during  camp

    you will have it pulled

    but  your training will be pushed back

    and graduation will be delayed

    because you will more than likely  join a flight   with a week less than you  

    After basic  you will be sent to a tech school

    for job training

    you wont be going over seas  at least until that school is done

    so don't worry about  passports etc

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