
What should I bring to an amusement park for fun?

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What should I bring to an amusement park for fun?




  1. Well your at an amusement park, you should already be having fun. But you should bring a camera and take pictures.

  2. I'd bring a change of clothes, almost all these parks have something that will splash or soak you, and if you don't have a change of clothes..especially shoes...the rest of the day can be uncomfortable.

  3. Money, Cell Phone, Camera, Ipod, Yourself, Friends.

    Have Fun! :)

  4. 1. Camera, if your going with friends, your going to want to remember it.

    2. Change of clothes, especially if there are water rides.

    3. Money, a lot of it.

    4. Suntan lotion, you don't want a sunburn.

    5. A hat, if it's really hot just remember not to wear it on the roller coaster.

    That's about it. That's all I ever bring.

  5. A friend and a huge amount of patience. Amusement Parks are thre to amuse you hoever since it is you and 1/3 of the city and visitors to your neighborhood then know you will need your patience. Also be sure to dress comfortably, wear sunscreen, a hat and budget about $60-100 for food and drinks. Have Fun!

  6. Usually you just need to bring yourself and money when you are going to an amusement park... they have lots of rides and games to keep you entertained.

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