
What should I bring to the beach and fun things to do for a week!?

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I am going to the beach for a week with my friend.

How much money should I bring?

What should I bring? [[ a nice list would be good ]]

What are some fun things to do while at the beach?

THANKS SOOOO MUCH! P.S. I am going to New Jersey.




  1. You should take about 100 bucks for pocket money, as you'll want to buy souvenirs or splurge on the occasional ice-cream cone etc =]

    And, bring LOTS of sunscreen, sunglasses (my personal fave fashion beach item =] ) and a VOLLEY BALL, you can have a lot of fun with it both on the beach and in the water. Take your iPod/mp3 player. Take lots of magazines, fashion or otherwise. Take a book or two, but I doubt that you'll be doing a lot of reading =] Take your cell phone, if you've got one. Actually, since there are two of you, this shouldn't be a problem, you're not likely to get bored, as you'll have eachother's company =] Also, try to meet new people who are around your age. Take several large beach towels and several pairs of swimwear. Take a badminton set (very cool). Take a camera, preferably waterproof.....

    Sorry, I'm out of ideas, I hope this helps!! Good luck and have a good time! =]  

  2. How much money you should bring-- bring more money than you think you'll need. that way if something comes up where you need to spend a little extra you can. i would bring about 100-120 dollars if you're just planning on eating snacks and meals at inexpensive places. you should also consider bringing money for souvenirs.

    What should you bring--


    clothes for every day of the week (plus an extra outfit just in case), underwear, bra, shorts, tanktops, sweatshirts(because it will get cool at night),

    your camera,

    any snacks you want from home (to help save some money),

    stuff for the car ride,




    hair things,




    bathing suit,


    flip flops,

    tennis shoes,

    maybe a few games?



    and thats all i can think of.

    Fun things to do:

    play frisbee.

    play volleyball.

    lay out.

    swim in the ocean.

    look for shells.

    build a sand castle.

    go for a walk.

    check out cute boys. haha.

    have fun!

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