
What should I bring to the hospital?

by Guest56876  |  earlier

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I'm 15 years old and I am going to be staying in a children's hospital for 3-6 weeks while I receive chemotherapy.

What should I bring with me?





  1. My best wishes.

  2. Bring...

    Pictures of friends


    Family photos

    Great books to read

    uplifting music

    Books that are interested in learning about

    paper to keep a journal going

    Something to share with the other kids...

    My wife is going through chemo now and is doing very well so I wish you well.  Take things that will take your mind off of cancer and have dreams that you look forward to in the future.

    If you like to draw...paper, pencils,

    Good luck,


  3. if this is the 1st time u r experiencing chemo i suggest u bring mp3 player and a couple of novels along . i believe while u r having chemo u would be too tired so listening to music may well be the best thing to do. during the time u r not so tired u might still feel lethargic and for mi i read some books as it is good for passing time. try to drink as much water as possible and also eat something even u have a poor appetite. at least that what i do during my chemo treatment. though my stay duration wasn't as long as yours.

    I have come up with this acronym that I feel it will help to create a successful chemotherapy treatment.

    C- ommunication < Ask questions >

    H- ygenie < Clean keeps bacteria clear >

    E-  ndurance < Its never a one day affair >

    M- entality < Never lose hope >

    O- ptimitism < Happy is the way to heath >

    T- emptation < To resist what you cannot eat or do >

    H- ydration < To pass out the harmful toxin >

    E- ffectiveness < Chemo must be effective >

    R- esponsible < Alert doctor if you feel unwell >

    A- ssistance < Get all help you need >

    P- ressure < Cope it well >

    Y- ou are not alone

    pls forgive mi if i have alot of tenses/punctuation mistakes .

  4. Nicole

    I expect you are full up with the information in the other very good answers, but as a medical journalist can I give you some practical info?  I expect you know most already!

    Does you hospital have an admissions policy?  Usually on their website with useful info.

    Have you been given a list of what to bring?  Sometimes you can't bring personal 'stuff' because of infection.

    Take some Thank you notes and stamps.  Friends are very kind, and they appreciate that you have taken the time to send a short thank you.

    Ask if you can bring some nice 'smellies'  for showers and baths and moisturizing creams and lotions for body and face. - skin dries up in hospital.  Your chemist can tell you good brands, and if they smell of lavender (antiseptic) or roses (good also) you get double benefit.

    If you want more ideas to to / treats and Body skin for more ideas.

    And there will be days when you can't / don't want to see people.  See if a friend or family member can organise a rota - then you aren't left with too many visitors one day, and no-one the next!

    And - if you have time, I used to bake a cake or cookies and take these in for the 'backroom' staff.  They used to really appreciate this!

    Hope this might be helpful, and not loading you with too much information.

    Verite R

  5. books, magazines, pictures from home, your cell phone and laptop maybe like your pillow that makes you feel at home. :]]

    the best of luck to you sweetie!

  6. A laptop will keep you connected with all your friends at home . . so that is recommended. If you do not have a laptop, sometimes the hospital will provide one . .you need to ask the Child Life Services or your social worker for help in locating one. Other things to bring might be an IPOD or a gameboy. You might also consider bringing crafts such as beading or scrapbooking. It really depends on what you like to do . . bring art supplies if you like to draw . .bring a digital camera and take pictures or create a video about what it is like in the hospital. My son brought his cell phone and was able to text his friends and also talk on the phone with them on occasion.  If you like to read . . there are usually tons of books available and DVDs if you like movies. You should bring a nice cozy blanket to wrap up in . . and several stuffed animals to cuddle with . . you might also want to bring some snacks for the times you feel like eating . . popcorn, crackers, or anything you might feel like during this time. My son always liked milkshakes . . and even ordered out for pizza on occasion (some places will deliver right to your room . . make sure you ask!).

    Best to you.

  7. laptop magazines dvds cell phone magazines books homework

  8. Whatever gives you joy and comfort, Sweetie.  Stay strong and beat this thing!


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