
What should I bring with me on the first day of high school?

by  |  earlier

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Besides my schedule. :/

As you can tell, this is my first year.




  1. I would just bring a binder with paper and dividers a few pencils and a blue black and red pen. Then after you get in to your classes your teachers will tell you what you need and then you can get that stuff. Some teachers require specific stuff.  

  2. Bring your backpack with the supplies and you can put some of the stuff in your locker... and make sure to bring paper/pencil and paper to class. The teachers will tell you what supplies you'll need for the semester ;)

  3. usually teachers will give you a supply list of specific stuff you'll need for their classes within the first week. however, if you have notebooks, folders, etc. you can bring them and put them in your locker.

    also, have a folder with a pocket and some loose leaf in it, and a pen/pencil. this way you can take any papers/supply lists home.

    good luck, and don't worry - high schools gonna be great!

  4. I remember overdoing it with the school supplies.  A lot of school districts will have a website with tips on what to take on the first day.  If they don't, take a notebook and a pen (or pencil) because the first day is usually spent with your teachers explaining how their class lessons work, and either handing stuff out to you, or instructing you on what you will need (and what they don't permit) in their classroom.

  5. well my first day of high school, all i brought was pen and paper.

    high school usually doesn't tell you what to bring until you actually get inside the class. they'll give you a syllabus and it'll tell you what you need for the class.

    that's when you go school supply shopping =]

  6. lots of notebooks, gum, mints, extra clothes (pranks hurt). Also bring an extra hair tie. :) ALWAYS!!! always have these things nearbye.

  7. of course supplies teachers advised u 2 get

  8. Definatley bring your confidence and a smile. Honestly last year I was a freshman last year, and the first day was terrifing but I brought both those and I got to know like everyone from every grade, and everyone likes me =]So that should help you the rest of high school! =] good luck!

  9. an open mind.

    be kind and respectful.

    wear something your confident in and not what you think other people are going to wear.

    bring a backpack, with a binder(paper,pens,pencils). memorize your locker combination. and a map of the school with your classes highlighted before hand.

  10. some folders, a little notepad for anything extra teachers might give you, some exra cloths just incase, 2 pencils, and maybe somthing that cheers you up and brings confedence ( teddy bear, bracelet, ect.), ask a freind to meet up at a particular spot so you two don't look like loners.

  11. umm just bring a few notebooks and pens and maybe some pencils.

    unlike   middleschool or elementary where you get a genaric supply list for each grade you get different teachers and classes in high school so the fisrt day usually teachers hand out sylabisis or however you spell them. its basically a list of supplies needed and what the class is about and how much of what makes up your grade and the teacher will just read over it its pretty boring.

  12. They usally ask you for three ring binders; college ruled paper and a pen and a pencil.

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