
What should I bring with me when having dinner with a mormon family?

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I have been invited to have dinner with some neighbors. My first inclination is to bring a bottle of wine with me so we can all share but then I learned that mormons don't consume alcohol or caffeine; which means the wine, coffee and tea are out of the question. I would like to make a nice impression. What do you suggest I bring. Do mormons like dessert, how do they feel about sugar? Why don't they consume wine and caffeine?




  1. Definitely wear pants, I found that is important for first impressions.

  2. Okay so any Kinda Food is okay we are just strongly suggested not to consume alcohol or hot drinks aka coffee, tea. But anything else is all in moderation

    I really like Mt. Dew but it is not a sin to drink it

    If i needed my caffeine pill every morning to get up that would be a problem.

    so don't bring them something alcoholic and you will Be Just Fine!!

  3. J smith said got forbid alcohol and tea, it's not specific to caffeine, I know some mormons who drink caffinated soda, and others that think that's bad. They love casserole, lol, little mormon human there.

    I think any recreational drug is off the table, but I got the sister missionaries at my gf's ward to admit you could for example take opium in a 3rd world country if your life was in danger or they had no adequate pain killers, although some mormons would rather suffer than stoop to that.

  4. We are admonished not to consume alcohol, tobacco, or hot drinks in the Word of Wisdom (link below).  Hot drinks has been reveraled to mean coffee and black tea.  Some members choose to also include caffiene in all it's forms, but others follow only the letter of the law.  The Word of Wisdom also admonishes us on other health issues, such as exercise, rising early, eating meat sparingly, eating fruits in season, etc.

    We LOVE dessert!  If you ever are invited to a Mormon potluck, the table will be overflowing with two things - casseroles and dessert.  

    Often, when I'm invited to dinner with friends, I'll just ask what I could bring.  Or I just bring a pie.  Pie can be frozen for later if they've already prepared a dessert, or it can be eaten right away.

    Did you know Utah is the #1 consumer of green jello in the world?  At the Salt Lake City Olympics, they even made a green jello olympic pin!  LOL Picture of pin:

  5. we don't have wine, tea, caffeine, or alcohol because the Book of Mormon (another testament of Jesus Christ) says not to. and we can eat all the sugar we want. i don't think they'll care what u bring.  

  6. How about a nice FREE WHEEL ALIGNMENT WITH NEXT SERVICE coupon like that other guy wanted to drop in the collection plate?

  7. Lol.. bring dessert if you like. Mormons do drink caffeine, but not wine. Mormon's don't believe in drinking alcohol.  

  8. Your wives.

  9. First, when asked to dinner, you should assume that the hosts will provide refreshments. Bringing wine is a gift, for them to enjoy whenever they want.

    Flowers are always acceptable.

    If you wanted to bring something sweet that they could enjoy another evening, that would also be good. But you shouldn't assume that they haven't planned the meal already.

  10. A Bible, a cross, lots of wolfbane and garlic, along with a good exorcist. BTW, mormons also like Jell-O

  11. I'm Mormon, and think that that is a wonderful gesture on your part to want to bring something.  We do like desserts.  Ask your hostess if you could bring the dessert.  If she already has one planned, you might consider flowers.  Some pretty ones from your own garden would really be a nice gift.

  12. Bring the truth of the gospel of Christ.  The external things are not important.

  13. A gift is not usually expected.  A dessert is a good idea.  

    We had neighbors to dinner and they brought wine.  We offered it to them, but we didn't mention anything about it being inappropriate.  

  14. We do not drink wine because it is against the word of wisdom. Yes we can have sugar and we like desserts. Usually though when you are invited to dinner the people hosting the dinner provide the drinks and the desserts that goes with the meal. If you would like to bring something you could bring like flowers.  

  15. Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider. You get the bottle and a nice drink that is non-alcoholic. Hopefully the LDS family is familiar with the stuff and doesn't freak out thinking you brought booze.

    Contrary to some comments, we don't drink alcohol because of a revelation from God given through the Prophet Joseph Smith formally called the "Word of Wisdom." This came about as a result of inquiry to the Lord, as a result of Mrs. Smith being disgusted with church leaders in meetings smoking up a storm and covering the floor in tobacco spit. So as a result the Lord gave Joseph the "W.O.W." (for short).

    This revelation serves as a guideline for what to ingest or not. Alcohol, tobacco, tea, vegetarianism, and excessive eating of meat were specifically warned against, and since then the church has accepted the "WOW" as commandment and thus we refrain as a matter of course from all alcoholic beverages, tobacco etc and strive to do the things the "WOW" advises to DO as well.

    Caffeine is something not as clear cut. Our leaders do not espouse drinking it, they discourage it because it is habit forming, but it is not a command per say.

    Basically when it comes to new things (new relative to the 1800's) it is all founded upon the idea of caring for our bodies and avoiding excess. Sugar, chocolate, ice cream etc... are all great, just don't get carried away because eating five quarts of ice cream by yourself is detrimental to your health in everyone's book.

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