
What should I buy 5 yr old twins for their birthday?

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My daughter was invited to a birthday party in a couple of weeks. It is for twins; boy/girl. The girl I have a couple of ideas for, but I have no idea what to get the boy. I asked them at school and they both smiled and said they didn't know. I asked their mom and she said that she didn't know; they only cared about opening a present. I don't want to to over spend, but want to get decent presents. Any suggestions? DVD? Games? Toys? Thanks!




  1. dvd, transformers for the boy, disney princess or hannah montana for the girl. i got a 5yr old. trust me they love this stuff! (as long as mom and dad are ok with the very mild violence on the transformer moviE)

  2. Was there any theme on the party invitation? If so, go off of that (i.e. Spiderman toys for the boy/Barbie for the girl if it was a Spidey or Barbie invite.)

    Otherwise, craft sets are always good. They have this awesome sidewalk chalk out now that reacts to 3D glasses (included) that is really cool.

    Consider getting them completely different things, too. I'm sure that they've had their share of "together" presents or neutral items because they're twins. Separate gifts help them form their own sense of identity and it's truly their "own" - not something they have to share.

    As a mom of a 6 years old boy, I have to admit that I enjoy him receiving gifts that are a little more on the educational side - books are awesome, we LOVE doing puzzles together, and board games are great for family fun that we can all enjoy (and games like Sorry involve number recognition and counting - always a plus!)

    Just about every store will print out gift receipts, so if you're concerned about the acceptance of the gift, include one in the card. It helps if the kiddos get duplicates and then they can have the joy of "shopping" for themselves!

  3. It may sound silly, but ... Dry Erase boards... and colorfull markers. They are inexpensive and I bought them for my kids when they were little and they are now in high school and they still use them. We drew, practiced our ABC's, and now they use them to keep theyre friends phone numbers on them which comes in handy for me too!! Wal-Mart less than $20.00

  4. Have your daughter make them each a build-a-bear that sings happy birthday.

  5. Well my boys like cars and star wars u can get them something like that or clothes.You can go to Toys R Us you can find something there

  6. New toys

    new sneakers

    new matching clothes ;)

  7. a snoopy snow cone maker.

  8. My daughter's friends, even the boys, like craft stuff.  You can get a decent collection of markers, paper, stickers etc for a reasonable price from dollar shops.  Wrap the items individually to give them more presents to open and place them all in a gift bag.  

    The other bonus with craft stuff is its a consumable.  With toys you always run the risk of the child already having it.

  9. Monogrammed stuff is always ADORABLE but sometimes too expensive.

    just get the girl like barbie stuff (do like high school musical barbies or hannah montana, etc) and get the boy like cars or action figures or something.

    you could even get them each a game. like get the girl a high school musical, hannah montana, etc game and get the boy like a cars, superhero, etc. game

    if you don't know them very well, i wouldn't pass up like 20 dollars each.

    good luck and hope this helps!!!

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