
What should I buy my teacher?

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I have to get my teacher an "end of the year" present...what should i get her.

She likes Running, Exercise of all kinds, Watching Sports, Reading, Writing in Journal, Baking, Bruce Springsteen.

She was born in August and is getting married this summer.

I have no idea what to buy her and if you say gift card at least say where!

THANKS! oh and she is thirty years old.




  1. I am a teacher, and I have several ideas for you . . .

    1)  A yacht

    2)  A large house

    3)  Give her $1,000,000! Lord knows how little we teachers make compared to all of the time and energy we spent working on our degrees . . . compared with doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.

    4)  You could try asking her husband.

    5)  You could get her a gift certificate for a relaxing massage.  Believe me:  teachers and new parents, of which I am both, need a good relaxing massage once in awhile.

    6)  If all else fails, try chocolate . . . unless she is on a diet.  I am a teacher, too, and I love it!  :-)

    Good luck! :-)

  2. if your in england, know that teachers are not really allowed to accept gifts from children (if you do you have to ring up a hotline to declare it and in some schools there may be jealousy and others can ring this number if they believe the teacher has recieved a gift and not declared it) however if you buy her something small, cheap most people will accept and be gratefull for a gift. a small diary could be nice, or even a cookbook, good old flowers are the best thing you can buy a teacher to say thank you, (not only because they are beautiful, but on the last day of term its nice to leave with flowers!) good luck!!

  3. I am sorry to say it but I have to.  A GIFT CARD.  I will suggest however, that you get her one to Barnes and Nobles or some great book store.  She can explore all the things she loves through books and most teachers get discounts at these stores.  She may also find some great journals or something to help her with her wedding.

  4. An academic diary for 2008 - 9 or a special book like a history of yoga. Either way make sure you write a dedication inside, she will treasure that more than anything.

  5. I'm a teacher and here's my suggestions...

    *Get her a journal and/or a gift card from Barnes and Noble, Borders, or some book store.

    *Other gift card ideas:  Target; Yankee Candle; Bath and Body Works; Hallmark; Bed, Bath, and Beyond; or a teacher store.

    *What about a Willow Tree angel?  (You can find them at Cracker Barrel or Hallmark)  They have lots of different options... there's even the "Angel of Knowledge"

    *Hallmark has lots of wedding stuff, too.

  6. How about a gift certificate for the movies for 2 or a nice resturant. That way she can have a nice time out rather then a thing which she might or might not like. People dont always spend money on things like nice meals out or movies but if given as a gift it would be a treat which would be enjoyed.

  7. You can't go wrong with a Barnes & Noble giftcard if she likes reading.  That way she'll have to spend the money on something she likes.

    Whatever you do, don't get her a mug!  I can't tell you how many mugs I've gotten from my students that went straight to the Goodwill box.... I could've opened up a mug store. :)

  8. Make sure you offer your gift at the right times, eg. before she grades you etc.

  9. I would not spend a lot of money.  I would get her a gift card to a book store no more that 20 bucks.

    I would get her a favorite candy?  Or just a card and thank her for all her wisdom and hard work she put into her class this year.  

    You don't want to be too personal or go over the top.  You also don't want to make the teacher accept a gift to where they feel uncomfortable.  Most of all do it with respect and don't overstep your boundaries.

    I had this one teacher and my girlfriends and I brought our teacher a cooking apron because he likes to grill.  It's said #1 teacher and #1 grill master.    Most of all make sure it's appropriate.  Good Luck.

  10. get her an american express gift card so she can shop any were she wants.

  11. you should get her a yoga or pilates video since she likes to exercise.

    or a new journal, or a cook book, or a bruce springsteen CD, or jewerly with her august birthstone on it.

    pick onee.

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