
What should I buy shares in? I have less than $1000 to invest. ?

by Guest60723  |  earlier

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What should I buy shares in? I have less than $1000 to invest. ?




  1. It's a great idea to get as many opinions as possible. It's your ultimate decision and no advisor has a crystal ball. The adivsor's main role is to determine suitability for your circumstances. You go to them when you cannot evaluate that yourself.

    You should see an advisor to help you create a budget (an ELP can help you with that) that will give you more money to invest. Dave Ramsey  creates these ELP designations. If a person can help you invest in the first place by increasing your income and helping you lower expenses, that's worth their weight in gold.

    If you have exactly $1,000, you can open up a Roth account at Scottrade and put the money in MXXIX or VALIX or if you want to open it as a taxable account, I'd invest in VALIX or VLEOX (small cap stock fund).

    PAXWX is a fund you can invest in with as little as $250. WFIVX you can buy with $750. If you buy those two funds, it will be 90% stocks so you will face similar risk to the market as a whole.

    In any event, you will have some choices if you go to Scottrade. Good luck.

    The person below is correct, since the asset allocation should match the time horizon. The above are examples of a 25 year old with no debt and an adequate emergency fund equal to 6 months worth of income. Thanks.

    Some great sites:

    Great Books:

    A Random Walk Down Wall St.

    Any book listed on

  2. Why are you asking strangers on the Internet for investment advice? Don't you realize this is what stock brokers and financial planners are for?

    Heck, invest it in ME!  

  3. If i were you since you don't seem to have much to invest you could buy penny stocks that have potential. Or you could start an index fund or put the money in an ETF or Mutual Fund just becareful of fees and loaded funds. Good luck I suggest you do some research first.

  4. Great idea.... get investing advice from strangers whose qualifications and motives can never be known.  What's worse????? They don't know you and your time horizon, risk tolorence, asset allocation requirements.

    Read:  Mutual Funds For Dummy's

  5. Spend some time learning. Free resources are out there for you. Best one I know is in link below.

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