
What should I charge for babysitting 4 year old twins overnight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 22 year old mom to 2 kids and I used to work for a daycare, so I'm pretty experienced. =) I'm supposed to be picking up the twins from their daycare at 5:00pm and taking them back to their house and staying with them and then take them back to the daycare at 8:00am. I'm supposed to do this 3 nights a week for 2.5 months. What should I charge?




  1. If you live in New York City, charge $2000.  If you live in the middle of Nebraska, charge less.  It all depends on where you live, and how much money the parents are making.  I live in the woods in Pennsylvania, so I could only charge like $40 a night (no matter how many kids, or how long) for most of the people that I babysat for.  But when I babysat the chiropractor's kids, I could charge $120 a night, and they paid it without a fuss. Talk to their parents and come up with a reasonable number based on their income and the standard of living of where you live.

  2. the fee varies by locale.  discuss this with the parents of the children.

  3. 4 year olds should sleep through the night, so it shouldn't be too difficult. If it were me, I would charge $40-$50 dollars a day. I babysit for a lady, but she's a single mom, so I take that into account and don't charge her too much. Good luck.

  4. Depends...

    Are you using your vehicle/gas to pickup/drop off at daycare?

    Do you have to cook supper?

    Do you get to eat for free? (are your kids gonna be there eating?)

  5. I think $50/per night sounds fair.  But as previously stated, if you are babysitting for a doctor, lawyer, etc maybe $75-100/per night.

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