
What should I charge to babysit a neighbors 16 month old?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 13 year old in NJ and I have no idea what to charge. Is 5 dollars too little because my mom said that a baby is a lot of work. HELP!




  1. ummmmm... it IS a baby.... babies r harder 2 take care of..... I would charge 6-7$ per hour, u cood also charge 4$ and add 50 cents 4 evry additional thing they ask u 2 do,add 50 cents if u hav 2 give it a bath add another 50 cents if u hav 2 feed it...... u get da idea. good luck :)

  2. I charge $10 an hour. But one family I babysit for pays me $13 because I have been with them for 4 years.

  3. I charge 5 or 6 dollors when I babysat a 6 month old and he is now 2 and a half...

  4. when i use to baby sit when i was like 13 years old i was charged 5 dollars an hour at first she only had 2 toddlers to cute little girls then about a couple of months after that she adopted another child another little girl who was like i think 12 months old at the time, then about a year after that she adopted a little boy and i was still charged  5 dollars an hour. they were wild kids. i hope this helps.

  5. I have a 17 month old. I will usually pay someone 25 for a few hours and 30 for the entire night. But that's family.......I would say $5 - $6 an hour is a good bet.

  6. I'd say $5 or $6 an hour is fine if you are just playing with her.  If you are by yourself and you are feeding, bathing, etc, you might want to charge a little more.  I wouldn't go as high as $10 though.

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