
What should I do, Does anyone know a church that helps out low income families?

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I am a mother of 3 kids. My husband lost his job. I am paying eight hundred a month on insurance for our family. We lost our home to foreclosure and now are staying with family. Now I am stuck in a situation where I have to chose weather to pay my bills or buy my kids food. Does anyone know any churches help with diapers and clothes. Basically our life has changed dramatically. My husband used to make over eighty thousand a year to now only twenty thousand. Please help. I am trying to be strong for my family. I cry when I'm in the shower because that's the only place I could let my feeling go!




  1. Unless you are a member of a congregation a church will not hand you anything without knowing you.  Apply for food stamps, state health insurance etc

  2. Most mormon churches if you join their congregation.

  3. Try Catholic Social Services.  You do not have to be Catholic or a member of any church or particular religion.  I am a principal at a very low income school, and this organization has helped many of my students families.  Also, you can contact food banks who will gladly supply an emergency food box.  If your children are of school age, please contact their school or the district office if they are on summer vacation.   They will provide you resources and put you in contact with people who can help.  They have people whose job is directly related to this type of thng, and are willing to assist you.  Good luck.

  4. What city/state are you in?  I will try to find something

  5. Perhaps your local LDS church?  They are very helpful in the community.  Good luck, I hope things turn around for you!

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