Ever since I was young I have always abide by every rule at school, I have never sworn, never got a detention, never had my shirt even slightly "untucked". Now however I want to desperately I want to swear, I want to have my shirt untucked. I go to a private day school and am liked by all the masters but bullied by most of the students, my parents are also farley strict and would punish me severely if I got a detention i.e. I can't get a detention. However, I am currently the only one who always dots every "i" and crosses every "t". It has come to the point that when my parents were at work one day I got some string (you know the sort of stuff you get at any old shop the creamy white) put it in some water to give it a "worn out" look and have tried to subtly introduce it into my parents sight; so far I haven't taken a long-sleeve jumper or Top off. Please help, I am desperately in need of help.