
What should I do, I am rebelling against myself?

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Ever since I was young I have always abide by every rule at school, I have never sworn, never got a detention, never had my shirt even slightly "untucked". Now however I want to desperately I want to swear, I want to have my shirt untucked. I go to a private day school and am liked by all the masters but bullied by most of the students, my parents are also farley strict and would punish me severely if I got a detention i.e. I can't get a detention. However, I am currently the only one who always dots every "i" and crosses every "t". It has come to the point that when my parents were at work one day I got some string (you know the sort of stuff you get at any old shop the creamy white) put it in some water to give it a "worn out" look and have tried to subtly introduce it into my parents sight; so far I haven't taken a long-sleeve jumper or Top off. Please help, I am desperately in need of help.




  1. ok here is the thing, being a teen is the hardest thing in the world!!!! I swear!!!! I remember being a teenager and it was so uncool to do everything that you were suposed to do in high school, with your friends just hanging out and even by yourself. The reason why your parents are so hard on you and want you to be the best is because all the things that you have to do the right way including crossing every "T" and dotting every "I" is because they are trying to set you for life. Teaching you the results of what to do and what not to do. Trust me it isn't cool now to be the know it all or to be the one that does everything the right way but trust me, it is the cool thing when you get oh about 20 to 30 to 40,50,60 and on up seriously. I was the bad kid that never listen to what my parents said. The one who ogt kicked out of school and thoought that I knew everything and hung out in the wrong crouds really so I know what happens after you act like that. Just think to yourself for a minute think about how you act. Don't you friends behave the same way you do? Well you are a product of what your friends are so make sure the friends you have are the group of people you want to be like. Understanding the reason to why those things are not good for you help too. I know that swearing really isn't bad but when you do it you sound less intelligent then when you use good big words to define something plus it qshows lack of respect for yourself. People probably pick on you because you are miss goody goody two shoes right? Well when they ask you why you don't swear tell them that swearing shows that you have no sense of vocabulary if you have to use offense words like that to discribe anything and can't they come up with anything different than a swear word to dicribe something or are they that stupid that they have to use the same word over and over like everyone else. those who grow up having manners and good grades and have great communicational skills are the one to seceed the most. I dought very much if you did a project and went around asking every type of professional what it took to get where they are they would say wearing clothes that were inaproperite or swearing in public or Detention was on the list of things to do. Just keep your head up and continue to do the right thing I know that it sucks but best believe it will pay off in the end....... stay a good person ok i am proud of you.

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