Ok, so for the past 4 or 5 years i was sure I wanted to direct films. I
started college last year doing media production and applied this year to
do television. Now I'm not sure what I want to do anymore.
I've been looking for jobs just like in shops and stuff and have had a
couple of interviews but I haven't got anything yet. I was thinking that I
would work for a year and try and work out what I want to do in that year
then go to college next year.
I started college on the television course today because I don't have a job
yet and I have to do something. I'm still looking for a job though and I'm
pretty sure that's what I want to do, take a year out to work. It's just...
now I'm at college I remembered how much I like it. Not the course, the
social side mostly. Well... I do like making videos even though I'm not
that good at it and there's loads of theory stuff that I just don't get (I
know from last year) and urgh... I don't know.
Also, I don't want to waste a year of funding cos you only get funded for 4
years so if I wanted to do something else later I might not be able to
because of the money.
I'm making friends with a new group which is really cool cos I'm quite
quiet so it's hard for me to make friends usually and I don't really talk
for the first couple months, most of them know me from last year so they
know that but if I leave I won't be friends with them cos there's not
enough time to make friends properly and for me to come out of my shell.
ok im kind of rambling now. please, does anyone have any advice or
anything? please, I would really appreciate it, I just don't know what to
do and it's getting me really down.