
What should I do, if my mom suspects me of taking drugs??

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Okay, so I stay up all night, every night during vacation.

I have been staying up all night for the past 3 weeks or so, to watch tv, go on the computer, etc. Then I go to bed at around 7 am, but for the past 3 days or so I've been staying up during the morning then going to sleep at noon. Whenever I stay up till 7 am I don't wake up till 2-6 pm. Tonight I woke up at 9 pm because I decided to sleep at 12 after going to the dog park. To get to the point... my mom came into the bedroom and woke me up, and she asked me if I was taking drugs to stay awake...

My mom keeps telling me shes going to give me sleeping pills, because she thinks I just have trouble sleeping, but I've told her I'm just not tired and I prefer to stay up all night. Now, like I said before, she thinks I'm taking drugs to stay awake. Why doesn't my mom trust me? I've never had a boyfriend, I've never had s*x, I've never had an alcoholic drink, just a sip here and there (sometimes my mom lets me try something like a margarita when we go to restaurants) and I've never taken any drugs besides prescriptions from doctors or an advil. I never even leave the house, rarely, so how would I get the drugs in the first place? I am turning 15.

Why is my mom suspecting me of taken drugs?? I know the dangers of drugs, I've taken the health classes at school and passed with flying colors... My mom doesn't like my friends either. Person 1, was bulimic in 6th grade, and has a poor self image. Person 2 is bi-polar, and shes a backstabbing *****, she went and told person 1 what my mom and I said about person 1 (which was only out of CONCERN), Person 3 steals things from places like Arcades, and person 4 gets abused at home, and all of the people except #4 have illegal parents. My mom knows I never get involved with things which will get my in trouble, I've even broken off the friend ships with 3 of my people I mentioned, like I told my friend who steals, I would not put up with him stealing while I am with him because its not worth going to jail or having a bad record. So why is my mom suspecting me of taking drugs to stay awake at night, if I've never done illegal, harmful, etc things?




  1. It's probably because of your friends- they all sound like people who parents don't want their children hanging out with, they probably seem very sketchy (not saying anything bad about them, but it's likely how your mom views them).

    Just explain that you're a teenager and have weird hours... I'm 17 and woke up at 7 PM yesterday, it's 4 30 AM now and I'm going strong.

  2. You need to talk to your mom.

    Tell her she has NO reason NOT to trust you, and tell her everything that you explained on the question (no s*x, drugs, etc.).

    Explain to her that those friends are friends, and that friends come and go, and each friend will be different and will have something wrong with them. And tell her you broke off the relationship, if she doesn't know.

    Tell her you have no place to get the drugs, remind her of you passing health, and tell her you have no reason to take the drugs, and that staying up is just, you!

    I rememeber getting accused of drugs once, and finally (I got really fed up with the nagging) I just told them "you're right, I'm doing drugs! All of them!" and I just blew up, even though I wasn't doing any. Of course my parents believed that I was doing drugs at first, and then after a negative drug test, they believed me that I wasn't doing any.

    --The point of that was just do whatever you can to convince your mom your NOT doing drugs. Even offer to take a drug test, even if you don't want to. Just saying '"I'll even take a drug test!" means a lot..

    Good luck!

  3. Tell her everything you say here and tell her no.

    Just tell her you're staying up because it's summer, and you don't get to do that during the school  year. I was the exact same way when I was 15, but never got accused of doing drugs. My mom knew it was because of summer.

  4. your mum isn't a mind reader and only thinks what she sees. If you are not doing drugs then you need to tell her. Be open and honest and sit down with her face to face and eye to eye. Tell her how you are feeling. You 'I feel" sentences. That way no one feels threatened and the discussion does not get too heated. Communication is the only way that you and your mum are going to be able to get through this. It's all about trust and honesty. Don't be afraid, mums aren't that bad!

  5. she is just concerned, that's what mothers do. just tell her you don't take drugs, but if you want to prove her right, take some. just joking. anyways, that's just what mothers do.

  6. Well to prove her wrong tell her to buy a at home drug test. You can buy them at rite-aid or off of ebay.

    (Most all kids stays up late when school is out, my son does and my lil brother sits up exactly like you say you do and does not wake up until way up in the day but we all know he is not on drugs --he is 13 and he does not go anywheres and no friends are allowed at the house so see just normal sitting up cause he can cause school is out)

  7. prove to her dat u r not- sleep early for e time being:)

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