I had a vacation planned for my family for the last 6 months to Niagara falls Canada. I researched and got excited my family about going. I booked flights, payed for expedited passports and we were all looking forwad to trip. A week before the trip I traveled to NY and became a little depressed, my parents were paranoid about me flying . After this negative taughts entered my find and I came up with every excuse to cancel the trip. I did and lost lots of money by cancelling flight and hotel. I ended up going to a hotel just 60 miles from home which was boring. I still have the credit with my airline and now will like to go in 3 weeks with the family, problem is the family does not want, I don't blame them since I encouranged them and then cancelled. Has this happeneded to any of you or anyone you know, can this be normal. I'm stressed over this. I really want to go now.