
What should I do, my son keeps getting into trouble.......?

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here is the situation,,,,,,,,,my son is 6 years old he is in kindergarten recently he has been geeting into trouble alot at school almost every other day,,,,his teacher last told me that my son was telling this girl that she was hot and that she was s**y,, (im not tryin to say that he is an angel) but i know he would not say stuff like that,,,so i did take care of that i asked the tacher if SHE heard him with her own ears, and she said no,,,ok yesterday he got sent to the office for telling a boy that he was ganna kick him in the p***s,,,,again i don't think he would say that word,but soposedly one of the aides heard . So my question is......DO YOU THINK I SHOULD BELIVE THE TEACHER/PRINCIBLE OR BELIVE MY SON? or does she have it out for him? please seroius answers..thank u!




  1. Talk to your child and find out what is going on. He might be saying those things and you need to find out why.

    My five year old started using some language and expressions (like saying something was s**y) that he had not learned at home-----he heard them ON THE BUS.

    Another five year old who sat with him every day had been "explaining" things to him. Turns out that the other kid's parents watch rated X shows at night after they THOUGHT their kids were in bed. This five yr old was peeking at the tv and listening to it!

    So your son might have repeated something that he heard, and you need to find that out.

    I really understand your reaction. My kids aren't allowed to say something is "stupid" so you can imagine my shock that my five was learning things like "oh, you know you want it baby."

  2. Hey, ooooo(hugs).  I know you need it.  I've been there.  Yes, I have a son.  Look, unless you can sit in the class with him, take the teacher's word.  The minute you let him know you all are not a team (parents and teacher) he will get worse.  Try to pop up on him.  I used to get frustrated when I got phone calls for dumb stuff.  Your son did this, your son did that.  But I kept it to myself,  I did not loose it, I made him confess and let him know how bad lying is.  I even told him I can accept his bad behavior, he's a child.  But once they start to lie and you fall for it, you loose him to the bad side of life.  Make him be responsible now, you will see the results later, but when he gets older and the goody goods start to act out he will be over that mess.  Stay strong and let me know if you need to talk.  I'm still going through things, but I've also seen much improvement, even the school has noticed.  So there is hope.

    I'm here for you, girl (these darn boys!!!!)

  3. Yea I am gonna believe the school staff over my kid because I know the kid is gonna tell me what I want to hear so he doesnt get into trouble.

  4. The only person who knows your child best is you however;

    from what you posted there is concern your child is picking up on some inappropriate language for his age.I would be looking in to everyone around him and what he is being exposed to.Do adults speak of sexual things around your son? does he have free reign of the t.v.? talk to him

  5. Yes. They are the adults not him. You need to teach him about respect and self control!  My son is 6 also and we teach him alot about self control and respect.  I teach him self control is stopping when you want to do the wrong things (and he knows its wrong) and doing the right thing instead.  

    And you'd be surprised what children do and say when you are not there!

  6. I would not just go ahead and believe a teacher... I think they are so busy trying to teach that they sometimes don't have the time to spend one on one time with kids and to really get to know them.   with saying that,  ask around. other moms and dads who have their children in her class.... just to see what they say, good and bad.  talk with your child about appropriate behavior at school, rude and disrespectful behavior.  find out exactly who he is friends with in the class. do they have teenage siblings......did he maybe pick up some language/ behavior from someone else??   My answer is ALWAYS  believe your child, but do some work here and find out what is going you can help your son. my worry is that he is only in grade  k and if this rep follows him... that he could have a hard time.   request a conference with the teacher and principal with your son, ask who he is friends with   keep asking and being involved     good luck  to you

  7. Why would the school lie about your son's behaviors? Tell your child to tell the truth or else he would not be aloud to watch tv or play with his favorite toy. Then maybe he will be honest with you. You need to be hard on him. If you take his side . He will sure do it again.

  8. You ask if you should believe the school or your son, but you didn't say that you actually asked your son about the incidents and he denied them. You just said that you don't think he would use that type of language. You need to ask his side of the story and then evaluate if he seems truthful. It is very common for children his age to lie or bend the truth to get out of being punished.  It is also very common for them to act differently at school than they do at home. You really need to start by having a talk with your son.

  9. If he's only started to get into trouble recently, I wouldn't think they would have a reason to have it out for him.  I would tend to lean toward the teacher/principal in the situation where he was heard by a staff member.  The other situation could is just heresay.

    I've learned that kids will say some things that you would never believe they would...especially after starting public school!  My son knows how to spell s*x and knows what the word is but no clue WHAT it is...and has never been exposed to anything remotely sexual at home!  I would take it with a grain of salt and talk to him about it.  Normally, if he thinks he's going to get in trouble for it he will not admit it to you.  Just keep open communication with him, talk to him about these words that they are telling you he is saying, and let him know that it's inappropriate to say.  You can do that without making him feel guilty about it.  He's 6, the more they hear, the more they will say.

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