
What should I do, should i start afresh?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm a 26year-old nurse living with my partner in Leeds. Been suffering from depression for 2years old, but has got progressively worse since I've had my daughter Lilly who is now 8months. I am taking prozac, had the depo injection and went crazy!

My partner has hit me several times in the past, cus I get down and he can't cope. He goes out every night and leaves me with Lilly. I do loose my temper because i have no family support to help me. Im on the waiting list for counselling. We had a big argument at the weekend cus he kept telling lilly to shut up and said he should never had kids. I started shouting and said he is selfish and only thinks bout himself. People have been trying to get out for as night out but I'm always too tired. He said he hates me, but I love him thats why I stay.

Is it me with the problem?




  1. i think you should take some time off with you and lilly...relax a bit, take her out and about, attend classes that help cope with children and get your life back in order...when you have a stronger personality everything will be fine..I'm going to pray for you aswell

  2. you need to get Lilly and yourself OUT of this relationship. you chose to stay in the relationship - why I dont know - but is it fair on Lilly to witness the way he carries on around you - and for her to be shouted at? NO.

    She is witnessing an abusive relationship and it wont do her any favours in the future. As a mother you need to put your daughter first and leave. Why are you even with this guy? Hes making your live a misery - tells you he hates you - hits you and still you stay?

  3. He is abusive.   You should move out for your own safety.

    I have friends in Leeds who say that The Salvation Army (Leeds Central) gives good support.

    Why not give them a ring?

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