
What should I do ?? , I am confused? plz help me out?

by  |  earlier

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I am a g*y guy , age : 18 , Till now I ve had crushes on men , but this time , its more than that , Its not just sexual love this time , Its emotional bonding that has occured , I like him for soemthing more than his face value , His nature , his love towards all , I mean his qualities have made me fal in love with him , needless to say , he is also very cute ; BUT the biggest problem lies here : He is my professor ; I am not into flirting with him ; Since the love is more than sexual love; Its like the love of giving or doing something rather than just having him , WHAT SHOULD I DO , I M VERY CONFUSED ??

( I have this feeling that he also cares for me ))




  1. lmao at the first answer!! but how old is ur prof and are u sure hes g*y too?

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