
What should I do? Argument with my mother.

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I've been arguing with my mother for the past 2 days. She has been calling me harassing me about some tickets that I got while driving. It has absolutely nothing to do with her. In fact, I'm going to be the one f*cked over this (no one else) and I don't like to think about things that depress me. I don't even want to think about this issue. I'm going to try to deal with it when I can. I'm 26 years old and I am fully independent. I pay all of my bills. She just called me on the phone and I hung up on her because it is bringing me down. I don't want to be disrespectful but my mother nags and she doesn't let up sometimes. What should I do?

I really want to call and apologize. What should I do??




  1. Send her a letter of apology and explain that you are quite capable of taking care of your own messes. Tell her you know that she is only concerned with your well being but, you are human and make mistakes. When you do, you are old enough to be responsible for those mistakes and you would appreciate it if she would lay off and give you the space to deal with it on your own.

  2. First of all you shouldn't post here b/c people are gonna come up with some bs answer just to get 10 points. Honestly just apologize and explain that you don't want her nagging you all the time.  

  3. Call her and apologize and tell her that she needs to stop doing whats she's doing. You're a big girl now!

  4. shes the one being disrespectful, your an adult with your feet down what is there to be sorry about???? I am in a similar boat but worse tickets and im 17, me and my mother are splitting up in a few days and im staying with grand parents... Dont let it ruin you 2 shes just trying to put it in your head that you messed up so you dont do it agina. Sometimes mother can forget that your fully grown adults who are fully capable of taking care of themselves and dont need punishment anymore...

  5. I have the same problem with my father!  He's bugging me with this bill I got from a doctor's office.  Now, I'm somewhat financially dependent, but I'm able to cover this bill, and I don't see why he should keep worrying about it and bringing it up.  He and my mom are divorced so he is also nagging me to get money from her, even though she has medical bills of her own.

    If you are able to reason with your mom, you can explain that you don't want to talk about it anymore and apologize for getting upset with her.  If you're like me and my dad, you bluntly say "I don't want to talk about this" and change the subject if it comes up.  It will go away, this is only a temporary problem.


  7. Ok I don't think that you should have to tell your mom little things like that you should just keep it to yourself and pay it and on top of that I don't see anything that she should have to nag about I mean everyone gets a ticket every now and then. But I do think that you should call her and apologize for hanging up on her..

  8. Yes, I would definitely call and apologize. But I would also make my point clear. "Mum, I apologize for hanging up on you, but getting that ticket was my own mistake that I need to deal with. I'm grateful that you're concerned, but I really need to deal with it myself, and learn from it."

    This might cause her to get agitated again, simply because the conversation is about the tickets, but the important thing is to stay on the high ground. Be calm, considerate and listen to what she says without interrupting her. Then she should listen to the way you feel about it and it should all clear itself up.

    That's not a certainty though, only how I would deal with it from past experience.

  9. File this under "How to tip toe thru a minefield and survive to tell the tale "

    Call up your mother and apologize to her for hanging up on her..... and nothing else

    Tell her that as her daughter you  recognise her concerns for your well being  and that you appreciate the fact that she worries about you But that ultimatley the responsibilty for paying those tickets is yours and....... no one elses

    Tell her that while you do enjoy chatting with her  ,But  there comes a time when both of you will push each others buttons the wrong way  and rather than escalate a negative situation the smartest thing to do is call a time -out , dis-engage from the situation immediatley and return after you have both cooled off for a bit.

    Tell her you do that not because you dislike her but rather because you do like her and that you don't want to say hurtful things to her in a fit of anger

    Good luck

  10. just  tell  here  to stop

  11. Why even tell her about stuff like this in the first place? Get a ticket and pay it. You aren’t obligated to share that you were tickted with anyone (unless you share household costs with a partner, that is).

    You apologize when and if you want (though I don’t know what for), but remember this lesson in the future: you gain nothing by sharing such info with her. Next time, just deal with it and keep it to yourself.

  12. I suggest you grow up and pay your tickets.  If you are truly independent, you will take care of any problems you causes and maturely deal with the consequences.  You need to apologize for hanging up and politely ask her not to nag all of the time.

  13. sister it is hard to keep things away from your mother because we are so used to telling her everything but if you can deal with the guilt of not telling her anything, I suggest do not tell her anything. The guilt goes away after you realize that it is OK to live your own life and not have to tell her everything.  Don't apologize for getting the tickets, its you whose getting messed up not her, however if you weren't nice to her, just take her out to eat and apologize. If she brings it up just act like.... you are much more annoyed about it and like you are looking at the speedometer all the time etc.

  14. ask  apologize for hanging up and politely ask her not to nag all of the time she'll understand u.

  15. Ask her how many tickets has she had in her life time?

  16. I sorta do agree with the guy people just trying to earn 10 points.but just tell her your sorry. nothings the same without your beloved mom and dad!

  17. well then call her you only have one mom and obviously she cares about you. she dont want you to wast your money on driving tickets you could have avoided all she want to do is help and give you good advise  "it doest matter how old your are your mother is still your mother and she will always look out for you " SO CALL AND APOLOGIZE!!  

  18. Your mom is probably just worried about you and this is how she shows you she cares.  My mom calls me every day!  I get tired of hearing from her but I know she won't always be around.  If you are paying your own bills, the tickets are yours, and has nothing to do with her, don't worry about it.  Just tell your mom you love her and you are taking care of it.

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