
What should I do? (Breaking free when not a minor)?

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I want to go backpacking in the mountains. This won't be my first time outside, just not for this length of time. I told my mom and she quickly agreed to let me go. I bought every single item of gear I needed, even buying the food. Now, she's just watched America's Most Wanted, and I'm no longer allowed to go.

I've told her that I realize there are risks, but when aren't there risks?

That I'm doing everything I can to be as safe as I can.

That I'd like to get out instead of sitting around all day.

Is it wrong for me to take risks? I feel guilty wanting to go backpacking--she says that she doesn't believe it's the Lord's will and that I should stay home to form relationships with my siblings and lose weight.

If this were just a matter of doing what I felt I needed to do, it would be much more simple. But, when the Lord's will gets involved I'm less sure...

Any suggestions for better presenting my case to her?

Am I wrong in wanting to go do something?




  1. Do what your mom says and be happy for now. One day you may have a child of your own and you will understand better the feelings of a parent not wanting their children taking unnecessary risks.

  2. so god told ur mom that he didn't wont u to go well the next time she sees him ask him somthing for me whyed my mom die when i was 16 and why did he let hitler put the jews in the oven and why does he work in mysterous ways oh wait thats right ur mom doesn't talk to god so she doesn't know what his will is its people like her that give us christans a bad name


  4. I would listen to your mother. If you are a young woman it is not safe to go backpacking in the mountains by yourself. There are just too many predatory people out there.

    ( If you are a minor it's illegal to do such a thing without your mother's consent.)

    My advice to you - assuming you are an adult - would be to go with at least five other people (bring at least one or two guys for safety reasons) and bring plenty of water, dried snacks, and a small survival kit. A survival kit should include water purification tablets, tools to make fire, and items to assist with first aid. ( You may even bring a small first aid kit separate from the survival kit.)

    Be sure to bring some type of device for summoning help as well, perhaps a cell phone or an emergency distress beacon.

  5. First, backpacking in the mountains is dangerous...especially for a young woman. Did you intend to do this alone? That would be virtually suicidal. There are far more dangers out there than I think you are calculating. Something could happen to you, and who would know? You aren't just dealing with nature, your dealing with the possibility of humans...and sometimes we can be the most violent & cruel species of all.

    Second, I understand the need to get away. But not to the mountains. Do something else, and do it in a group. You want to be alone? Go out....but don't do anything like that. And be careful...I wouldn't go a lot of places alone because of the dangers that are out there. No matter where you are, the possibility of being killed, raped, tormented by some crazy's all there. Can you take risks? Yes. But is it worth your life? No. Yes, everything has risk, but be smart about it. Make sure you are well-equipped and well-prepared. You do not want to end up in a situation where you are fighting for your life.

    Third, I'm not sure what weight-loss has to do with it, but hiking in the mountains=exercise=a way to lose that was a weak comeback on your mother's part. And no, weight loss is not a reason to go backpacking in the mountains, if you are thinking of using that.

    Forth, you are not wrong in wanting to do something. But, heed your mother's advice. It's not a good idea. It's a stupid idea to be honest...especially to do it alone. If you do it with a group, I would still caution against it...unless you trust that group with your life. Do you know how many individuals have been where you are now...and wanted to do what you did...and didn't come back?? Don't do it. Take a road trip, if you'd like. Go to the park. Do something that's safer. And remember, your mother loves you. She just wants you safe.

    Fifth-ly, you mentioned the Lord's will. The Lord speaks to us in a variety of ways. He gives us signs, even when we don't know it. Has it ever occurred to you that your mother's disapproval of this trip is a sign from God that you shouldn't go? If you have doubts, pray about it. Think about it more. Talk to God. He'll give you the answer. Sometimes, it just takes looking more closely at things...but that answer will be there.

    Good luck. If you decide to take this trip anyway, make sure you let someone know exactly where you are going, make sure you have all the necessary equipment, including stuff for emergnecy flares, a lighter, a knife, food (like granola bar, something that won't spoil quickly), etc, make sure you have maps, and a plan. Also, give another person directions in case something does happen to you. For example, you can let park officials know that if you are gone for over a certain amount of hours, they are to assume something has happened. Tell your mom the same. Give instructions and let people know the path you intend to take so that if something happens, they'll be able to look for you. And once you make a plan, don't change it. Stick to it. And pray. Always pray. I hope everything works out.

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