
What should I do? Continued...

by  |  earlier

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I'm back with more news of my house.

Last night my sister was playing The Sims 2. Ha. When the screen went black, she saw, right beside her, the face of a woman.

Bekah left the room because she was scared.

I, with my tape recorder in hand, marched back into the kitchen where Bekah saw this entity and pressed record.

I was amazed and unsettled to find that I was actually having a conversation with someone(s) and I didn't even know it.

Sam: I'm standing here in MY kitchen. Maybe it used to be your kitchen...

Unknown: She's here.

Sam: Are you here with me?

Unknown: *whispers* Yeah.

Sam: What's your name?

5 seconds of silence.

Unknown: *whispers* Walter.

5 second silence.

Uknown: Bekah. Help me. (said SO clearly and so fast.)

Sam: Does your name start with an A? Does the woman's name start with an A?

5 sencond silence.

Unknown: Yes.

I'm recording again tonight with a higher quality recorder.

What questions should I ask?

The only reason Iasked why her name started with an A was because I just felt I needed to ask that question.

I think there are two spirits.

Using a Ouija board would be a bad idea, right?




  1. YOUR NUTS  

  2. Well, I can't write that I am aware of anyone who fools around with a

    Ouija Board that doesn't need the assistance of a skilled and eperienced

    Ceremonial Magician, Shaman, or Witch at some time to "clear" their

    residence...and in some cases the OB user as well.

    IF you have already used an OB and are having manifestations:

    Check your hard-copy Yellow Pages of any large metropolitan area

    near you for "new age", "metaphysical", "magic(k)", "paranormal", etc.

    The shops listed will either have bulletin boards with notices of local

    Covens, Drumming Circles, and/or Orders OR the staff when queried

    may be able to refer you to one of their frequent customers who can

    assist you.

    In the future...stay away from the Ouija Board!

    IF you think this may be an Earthbound Spirit that is trying to

    heal or "break free" then someone with the skill-sets I mentioned

    above can perform one or more Interrogations of the Earthbound

    to determine the best path to take.

  3. ask them if they ever seen u take a shower, or get dressed(ooohh crreeppy)

  4. this is what happens when you give an alcoholic a tape recorder

  5. ask why they are there

  6. ohhhhhhhh your in for a rude awaking because you dint know what your doing dint open any doors that you dint know what your doing please but if you cant help your self please protect your self use a cross and holy water and [please light a saint michael candle] Good luck and may god be with you  

  7. It sounds more like you have an earthbound spirit (or spirits) hanging around your house.  Ouija boards are used to open the door between the spirit world and physical world to make contact with spirits that have crossed over.  You need not use this to communicate with your earthbound spirits - as you can see.  Earthbound spirits require energy to manifest, so the more energy they can draw from their surroundings, the easier time they will have communicating with you.

    Perhaps you will gain some more helpful tips and techniques from these articles written by the team members of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (featured on the sci-fi documentary "Ghost Hunters"):


  8. Get the **** outa there!

  9. My cousins and I have a Ouija board and trust me, DO NOT use a board , it just going to open a portal, you need someone with more experience or else your gonna be in trouble, get help IMMEDIATELY!

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