First of all, my coworker and I have our desks right next to eachother, and work very closely together for our jobs.
We are probably about the complete opposites in everything (she is very assertive, critical, nose-to-the-grindstone--and has worked there for the past 5 years). I tend to be more empathetic, flexible, try to always be courteous regardless of the situation, but also very hardworking--and I've been there for the past 6 months. I get along with her most of the time, but I keep our friendship at a distance.
She has certain things that "push her buttons" (like if things she wants from me are not done immediately--even if there are more acute situations going on that need my time now)--and unfortunately, I can't predict what they are ALL the time, though I'm learning. She didn't feel like I was telling her everything that was going on--so I made a point to gather what I've been working on and share it at the team-meeting, and that has helped some.
I just feel like she is nit-picking everything I do (she is not my boss, btw--and my actual boss is fine with my performance--as we have monthly reviews) and it puts me on edge because I always feel like I'm doing something wrong. She talks a lot about people behind their back. Probably me too. In a close working environment, in my opinion, that is very toxic.
I don't know what to do--I want to speak up, but she's been there longer, etc. I just hate walking into work and wondering what kind of mood she is going to be in (and what mood I'll be in when I leave, because I tend to pick up the mood around me).