
What should I do? Eat before I run or after?

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Tomorrow I have a city-wide track meet. My first event is the 200m(a sprint), but it's at 12:30. My school will probably get to the track around 12:15, because from 11:50 to 12:!0 is our lunch. If I eat before I run I'll get a cramp and feel sick, but if I don't eat then I won't ahve very much energy.

What should I do?




  1. Is it LOSSA?? try to eat healthy food not too much though and its a sprint so there wont be any cramps :P

  2. you should eat before so you would not gain no exert pounds

  3. what you should do instead of not eating and worrying about not having enough energy you should have a energy dring or somthing like a smothine or milkshake.

  4. Our soccer players are told to eat very light.Subway i suggest you eat that.It digest easy and is light on stomach.I always carry power bars also.they are expnsive but works great for filling you up!

  5. eat something small that doesnt make you gassy, and pumps up your energy, or buy an energy drink.

  6. i am a runner as well, and what i would do would be to eat a small something like granola bar and water before you run, then when you  are done have something bigger.

    you dont want to run on an empty stomach though

    good luck at the racee!

  7. eat only about half half hour to an hour before you run, if you eat like 10 minutes before you go, you will be slow and you could throw up, and don't eat too much just enough.

  8. i would eat a piece of fruit, apple pear, bananas or a granola bar about a half an hour before you run, no empty calories. good luck

  9. eat after or you'll get the cramps!

  10. Have a snack before, then eat full-on after.

    or just eat after , or you'll get cramps

  11. A good breakfast before and lunch aftha.

  12. Have a very light snack an hour before - lunch after the run

    I personally prefer just sweetened herb tea - can' t eat before a run.

  13. eat an ahour before and right after. if you eat right after you run ur muscles suck it up and get bigger

  14. Eat some kind of fruit, a granola bar, and drink a water or Gatorade. It will give you energy without giving you cramps or slowing you down.

  15. I know what you mean. I have lunch at 10:30 and I used to run track too. But honestly, if you have to, I'd sneak snacks into classes and snack on them when the teacher isn't looking x_x like a bag of pretzels or something a few hours before the meet.

  16. I run track too and have alot of experiance!Eat a very good breakfast,such as toast,whole grain cereal,eggs,protien shake and any of these other foods,fruit,and anything else healthy!Then,for lunch,eat a small lunch,such as a sandwhich and chips,fruit,water,or a sports drink.Hope this helps!

  17. i always eat a luna bar on the way to track meets...about 20-30 minutes before running.  eat something light and some gatorade before you run, and then eat something larger after.

  18. you can eat before, just not like 5 minutes before or you'll get cramps.

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