
What should I do? Friend mad at me!?

by  |  earlier

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What do you do if a friend you are trying to say you are sorry to, is so mad at you, that they arent responding to your emails phone calls, text messages and they deleted you off their myspace? How long can she keep giving me the silent treatment? To make a long story short my friend feels that I used her somewhat despite my explanations of why I did what I had to. It has been almost 3 weeks since we last talked and she is on vacation at the moment.




  1. I'm having the same problem with one of my friends so I know how you feel. Just give her some time(maybe about a week or two) then just send her an email or omething just plainl stating,Look I know I messed up and I just wanted to let you know I'm truely sorry.If that doesnt work(hopefully it will), @least you tried your best to apologize

  2. Write her a letter explaining everything. Mail it to her house and either have someone else write out her address on the envelope or print it out on the computer that way she will read it and not tear it up without opening it. Oh and don't your return address on it. If she doesn't want to listen then just let it go because who needs friends that don't listen?

  3. I say just leave her alone for a while and see whats happenig. she prolly is tryna get you to keep doing that so she can go and say "oh she uses me and then she tries to apologize to me she is so desperate. then blah blah blah talk talk talk so i would just leave her alone. she'll come back sooner or later and if not then she isnt a true friend.

  4. Send her a letter, hand written, put some time and effort into it. But without actually knowing what happened I cannot actually give you a problem solver.

  5. i dont know what you did  sweetie   but it sounds like you might have crossed the friend line--------continuous contact at this point  is just going to make it worse---give her time to think things over   good  luck

  6. Wait until she comes back.. then go by her house and apologize once more.. if she is a genuine friend she will hear you out.. if not you have to forget her.. good friends do forgive if someone is really sorry... You can only try but if the next attempt also fails.. let her go.. otherwise she will only get angrier and she will see that as harrassment.. either she is open minded and will hear you out.. or she is close minded and unforgiving.. then that won't change.. then the friendship is probably not very deep at least not on her part.. she has time now during her holidays to get over the initial hurt of what you did and she has time to reflect and think if it's worth giving up a friend who is sorry..  or if she will accept your apology.. so ask her in person once more.. if she says no.. accept it as final and move on !!! x*x

  7. okay i know how you feel...and since you have tried to apologize and she's not listeing you should give it a rest for a day or two and then try again and then if she doesn't reply then go see her as in like go to her house and say your sorry...i hope it works!!!

  8. for whatever her reasons are, she is angry with you and has gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid you. give her time to heal and think about it. maybe she will feel better after she returns from vacation. send her a card with a short apology and ask her to call you when she's ready.

  9. Whenever someone aplologizes to me, it doesn't feel good when they give reasons why they HAD TO hurt me. It gives me the impression that if they HAD TO again, they would. A good apology is just I'm sorry, followed by WHAT they did. You may have to give your friend some time. They really want to know that they can trust you NOT to hurt them again. Or you may have lost them for good. If so the best thing is to file it in your brain, not to do that ever again.

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