I'm currently working at a job as an office assistant. I was offered a teacher assistant job and accepted. But just a few days ago, I found out that I will be getting a raise very soon at my current job. I was already going to take a pay cut with the teacher assistant job but I felt it was a good opportunity because I am studying to be a teacher. I don't love my current job and it's very stressful at times. But the job is very flexible, I can take time off when needed,and my manager lets me leave work to take my mom to the doctor when necessary. I know that I will like teaching much better. Good benefits, holidays and summer vacations and getting off work at 3:30 makes teaching appealing to me. But if I stay at my current job, my husband and i will be more financially secure. Seeing the way the economy is now, it's important to be financially stable. Should I follow my heart or stay where the money is at?