
What should I do? HUGE job decision to make. Please help.

by Guest61611  |  earlier

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I'm currently working at a job as an office assistant. I was offered a teacher assistant job and accepted. But just a few days ago, I found out that I will be getting a raise very soon at my current job. I was already going to take a pay cut with the teacher assistant job but I felt it was a good opportunity because I am studying to be a teacher. I don't love my current job and it's very stressful at times. But the job is very flexible, I can take time off when needed,and my manager lets me leave work to take my mom to the doctor when necessary. I know that I will like teaching much better. Good benefits, holidays and summer vacations and getting off work at 3:30 makes teaching appealing to me. But if I stay at my current job, my husband and i will be more financially secure. Seeing the way the economy is now, it's important to be financially stable. Should I follow my heart or stay where the money is at?




  1. You should follow your heart.  

  2. The money. Unless you want to adjust to the pay cut and other inconveniences.

  3. Go for teaching. Happiness is more important than money. You will have more time for your family. In the long run you will earn more money and respect as a teacher.

  4. teaching requires a lot of patience, and if u cant deal wit kids that go crazy every 2 mins, teacher assistant wouldmt b good. personally, i think u should stay at ur current job cause even though school ends quick, teachers stay after sometimes for meetings, and come to school to discuss important information during some vacations.  

  5. The first thing that you should do is check the job market for teachers in the subject that you want to teach. In my state it is very hard to find a teaching job in many subjects. Elementary is almost impossible to find in many states, even though there is supposed to be a shortage. So, keep that in mind. It literally depends on where you live and what you teach, as far as finding jobs.

    I personally would not leave to be a teacher assistant. Not with the way the economy is now. Once you are closer to getting your degree, you may want to start subbing, as many principals consider this better than being an assistant.

    Also, teaching does not end at 3:30, if you are a good teacher. You have lesson plans, paperwork and meetings. There is always something to do; my friends who teach work many hours outside of the actual class day.

    Good luck!

  6. I'd follow my heart. While the money is important, the stress of being in a job that you don't love (which you already say is a stressful job) can cause you to burn out. You don't have the raise ... it is nebulous until it is in your paycheck. You were willing to take the pay cut and live with less money before you thought there might be a raise at the old job. Go for the teaching assistant job.

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