
What should I do? Having trouble with schoolwork?

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I'm 17 years old and I'm homeschooled. I'm doing the American School of Correspondence. I only have 3 classes left til I get my diploma and I've done good so far (all A's) but now that I started Geometry I've been having a hard time. I don't understand it at all and I dont have anyone to help me with it. I'm self-taught, so I dont have a teacher or anyone to help me...and my parents have no idea how to do it. I can't really afford a tutor what should I do? How can I get help with Geometry and Algebra2?




  1. So the American School of Correspondance doesn't supply any teacher help???  No wonder it's so cheap compared to other online high school programs.

    Check with your local HS'ing group.  They may have some tutors in their midst (parents or students) that you could barter with.  For instance, they tutor you, you do babysitting for them, etc.

    I would ask ASC for help.  That is what they're there for anyway.  Or do they just let you pay for classes, make a transcript, and then issue a diploma?  Perhaps you need to rethink using a different program if you have no one to help you through the courses.

  2. of course the internet has tons of material.  but also look into tutoring programs offered by local schools (yes, you can still get help from the school even if you are not attending)  also, look into tutoring programs at local public libraries and even community colleges and universities.

  3. Hey,

    Well, I think you've sort of already come to the right place. On the internet, there are many sites you can look up for help, and chatrooms that can explain Geometry to you.

    Also, if you don't mind paying, there are online tutors for several sites.

    Just google it up and I'm sure you'll get results!

    Good Luck, and get those nice A's!

  4. Try finding a site where you can download some free math tutorials.

    Also....check out some sights used by teachers. Many teachers of all areas go to a wide variety of sights to access free exercises, worsheets, etc. Some you do "online"...and others are printable.

    Type in something like:

              Math teacher supplementals

  5. Hes right dint worry there's people on line that can help you and many people have problems with those two subjects. I'm sure you'll find help just keep positive and don't ever give up on your dreams or hopes or desires in life. Best of luck to you

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