
What should I do? Help!?

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M and my friend have been friends since we were in daycare. Over the years shes always ditching me or doesn't answer the phone or lies. When I get a hold of her we have an awesome time. When her friends are with her she forgets about me and when were alone we have an awesome time. I like her but I don't. We've never gotten into any fights. I have to call her and she never calls me. Were great friends and I tell her everything. What should I say to her to stop but she doesn't know that she hurts me. What should I do?




  1. you should find a new best friend to hang out with because she doesn't want to hang out with you anymore because she probably found a new best friend and replaced you with somebody else.

  2. Get over her, she obviously dosen't want to be friends with you, Ive had many friends like that I know what its like to have to phone because they refuse to

  3. I think you should call her up and ask if she can hang out anytime soon.

    once you guys hang out you should get really serious and tell her how the things she does makes you feel.

    don't let her change the subject or get distracted with anything else.

  4. Tell her how you feel

    IN HER FACE NOT OVER THE PHONE!! !! !! !! !! !!

  5. you'll have to put up with her strange behaviour until she matures.

  6. Find more friends, and analyse the situations like you have with this one. I think you will find that each one is slightly different, and that is okay.

    Your friend is just a friend. She is not obligated to be anything other than what she is and you wouldn't care for her if she was, probably. I have a friend since high school, we sit to talk, and we both talk right over the other, with out stopping or hesitating. Two totally different conversations. when we leave, I find that we have both understood everthing that the other has said and had a pleasent time in the process.

    I am not dependent on this person for my emotional, financial, or physical needs, so if I get tired of them I don't talk to them for a time. I imagine I could have complained years ago about his lack of respect for my feeelings and his lack of etiquette  when talking, but it would have interferred with the process of being "friends". Friends are not lovers, Friends are not spiritual guides, they are not even a source of pleasure.

    Friends are more like works of art, you go there to see them examine their texture, notice the qualities that define them and the workmanship it took to create them, but you do not change friends to suit your current needs. Having said all that, my friends have always been a source of great entertainment, and joy.

    Sometimes even when they are the most tragic of situations. I have watched as friends died, been turned into halfwits, and the worst as their children died. I would not trade or try to change one bit of this experience it has been the glue that holds my life together.

  7. just tell her outright

  8. "Were great friends and I tell her everything" listen to yourself.!!!!! that's the only way to get your feelings out. she might not know it but you have to let her know. friends tell each other the truth. let her know your deep feelings. if she is really a good Friend she will listen to you and make things better. good friends are hard to find hopefully she realizes that. GOOD LUCK.

  9. This reminds me exactly like one of my friendships, and i am thinking about not being her friend. The thing you should do, is call her and tell her what you just said. maybe she'll understand. she could either 1.Get mad and say she never does that and hang up, or 2. she'll say sorry and call you, and acknowledge you while you guys are with other people.

    But overall, if she is truly a nice person she will apologize and your friendship will grow stronger, or if she gets all mad about your comment, then you don't need a friend like that. Hope i helped! :) - Lindsey  

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