
What should I do? I'm worried if 8th grade will suck this year?

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Today's the first day of school, so during school, when I talked to people all I can say is hi or sup. What else should I say? And a lot of people don't come up to me and talk to me and it feels like I'm left out and alone. I mean I do come up to people and just say hi, but what else? What can I do to make people come up to me? What can I do to make boys come up and talk to me. (Just to let you know I have VERY thick hair, and I have hair problems)




  1. You should always try to talk in terms of the other person's interests,t hat's the best way to gain friends. Try to learn something about them before starting a conversation, maybe based on what they're wearing, the classes they are taking or their friends. If that fails, make sure your conversation includes a lot of open questions for them, meaning that the answer can't just be 'yes' or 'no'. As an example, you would ask 'What did you do this weekend?' rather than 'Did you have a good weekend?'.

    Another great way to make everyone feel drawn to talk to you is to smile. If you always have a cheery smile on your face, people feel that you are approachable. Try wearing a mysterious smile so people will wonder what you're up to and so they have to talk to you to find out.

    I wouldn't be too worried if you don't get a lot of attention from 8th grade boys. Adolescent boys can be very self consciouss  (even if they pretend they aren't) and shy, and that can last well into their 20s. The key is to be as friendly and approachable as you can, and be confident that you are interesting and attractive.  

  2. uhm lol well first go sit with them try to make a coversation with them about sport idk what but try do something and the next day do the same until they come your friends!

  3. A couple of things that may help....

    1.  Try not to act desperate, kids can tell when someone is trying too hard.

    2.  Keep yourself clean and well groomed.  Always brush your teeth, so you can smile alot.

    3.  Pick kids that seem to be having the same problem of meeting others. There are a lot of them out there.  Make a new friend!

    4.  If your hair bothers you, get it cut in a real cute style.  It may make you feel better about yourself.

    5.  Try liking yourself.  God made you, and you were specially made!  Others usually like people who like themself.

    Good luck in the 8th grade, and God Bless.



  5. when people come up to you ask them how their summer was.  ask if they went on vacation and stuff.  ask what classes and teachers they have this year and what club/activites they plan on joining.  just make light conversation.  you can also say how much you wish summer was still here and pretty much 99% of them will agree with you too.  if you feel uncomfortable because of your thick hair (which most people would LOVE to have btw) pull it back into a messy bun so no one can tell you have hair problems.  

  6. Don't worry it happens to so many other people! Like me. It is my first year ever going to public school. I am in 10th grade and i have been home schooled all my life. I went to school to day and everyone just ignored me. I did not take it to mind i just kept to my self and did everything i had to do. It will change once you have been their for a while. So don't worry. You will make friends fast enough.

  7. Smile act confident, theres nothing ppl like more than confidence.

    You can also make up a reason to talk to people like bump into them by accident (as long as they're not like scary bullyish looking) and say"Oh my gosh I am sorry" and then continue the conversation. You don't want to go around saying hi to like every person you see, youlook look weird and then people won't want to talk to you. Just be yourself. Put your hairi n a pony tail to get it away from your confident face :)  Oh yeah, these are some more things to say." how was you're summer" "What grade are you in" "what elementary or middle school did you go to?" "how's your day"  

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