
What should I do? I am confused here?

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I have a friend, we're in College. At first he was really nice and he introduced me to his friends. I first thought that he liked me, he was giving me signs that he liked me but after a certain time, I realized that maybe he didn't liked me after all. So I just gave up and we were friends, but recently he's been giving me a silence treatment, he doesn't talk to me as often as before, I really don't know why. I was thinking maybe, is it because his close friend has been giving me driving lessons and we spent time together and also, I have this exam I have to take that he already passed, so I have a study group with some other guys. Well I don't know. What should I do? I want to stay friend with him, but if he neglects me and ignores me at times, should i keep trying or just let it go and give him time? Thanks for your answers.




  1. The funny thing about guys is that they aren't as complicated as we think they are. It could be that he's busy with work, he's spending more time with his friends, it could be a number of things that don't have anything to do with you. Maybe you slipped off his radar because you weren't initiating anything. If you don't really care about him I would just move on. However, if you really like him you should try taking the initiative - ask him to go to lunch with you on campus or to some other event. Chances are he's just as confused as you are about what's going on between you!

  2. let go, if he's not mature enough to hndle his friend talking and working with a few guys you shouldnt have to bother with him if it is bugging you that much.

    and why dont you just ask him whats up? maybe he's just got used to you and therfore doesnt need to call you more often, and maybe he had the idea that you did, that he liked you but you didt react to it so he got bored of wating and finally got annoyed as he may have liked you much more than you expected. but hey, the best solution is the truth, ask him whats wrong!

    xxxx good luck xxxxx

  3. If you like him, and you think he likes you, because signs are pretty obvious, then let him know. It can't hurt, right? The worst that could happen is he stops talking to you and he's done that already. Sit him down and tell him how you feel. Tell him that he's ignoring you, and you want to know why. Then tell him you thought he was giving you signs that he liked you, and ask him if you read them right. Then tell him you like him too. If you're too shy to do that, just do something really nice for him. Hope that helps ^_^

  4. let go

  5. i would just carry on as you are, he will speak to you when he wants to because i dont think you can actually do much to be honest. try your hardest to speak to him and if he doesnt seem interested, then thats his problem.

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