
What should I do? I have so much on my plate at the moment.?

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I have so much on my plate at the moment. I went on holiday for 5 days and fell in love with someone that worked there, but I'm not sure how he feels about me. I can't stop thinking about him and am always dreaming of him now.

I'm also still fed up with how much I weigh and am thinking I will be so much happier being anorexic.

Please help me!




  1. do you think he liked you at all? far away is it?...and could it work..if the answer is no then let it go its not easy being in a difficult relationship.. and no u wouldnt be happier annorexic, you be very unhealthy and men do notice when a woman doesnt look after herself. just keep trying with men, u will get there

  2. sweetheart, if you weigh under 140 u don't need to be worrying about being fat. also... did you talk to him? i mean... if you called him up and said "hey it's *so and so*", would he think you were a stalker, or would be be like "hey *so and so*, great to talk to you. what's up?" i don't really think there's enough info in the question.

  3. get a life

  4. Believe me, you're not in love!  It's almost impossible to fall in love with someone after 5 days.  If you knew him for longer you'd probably find he picks his nose, farts at the dinner table, wees on the toilet seat and has cheesy feet!!  If he doesn't contact you then good riddance I'd say.

    I've been battling with my weight now for nigh on 35 years but have finally turned my life around.  I'm losing about 1 lb a week by replacing chocolate bars with chocolate flavoured cereals - if I want a choc fix I just grab a handful of Cocopops/flakes instead, and crisps have been changed for 'lighter' snacks - I eat Quavers or Wotsits instead (just the one packet a day when I'm watching telly).  I fill up on tinned fruit and I've replaced the usual sweet Branston type pickles in my sandwiches, I now use pickled gherkins/cabbage/onions.

    Oddly enough, I've also found that cooking helps!  I make my own healthier soups.  It's really quick and easy.  Try this link to an article I wrote.

    Oh, didn't I mention - I've also taken up writing which is a great outlet for all your frustrations :-).  Your question is very well spelled and constructed so I'm sure you could make a go of that - it'd take your mind off things.  Maybe you could write a poem based on your holiday experience, or on your battle of the bulge!

    I've found that I don't miss the chocolate/high fat snacks at all now, by the way!  Probably because my mind is so wrapped up in what I'm going to write about next.  Keep in touch and I'll let you know how I'm doing!!

  5. you think that is having alot on your plate, oh boy have you got some growing up to do, you wait till you are married with kids, have a mortgage, debts, kids coming home with problems that you have to solve for them, lose your job, suspect your husband as having an affair, have an abusive relationship, find out that your kids are on drugs, have a daughter that comes home pregnant, losing your parents, thats when you can say you have so much on your plate

  6. I would be glad to give you the best answer I can to my thoughts on this... I would take a chance and just kinda talk as a friend with him often and just look and flirt a little and see how his reactions are and if he likes you he will start talking with you quite a bit more and just take it easy and see how it works out that away.. By the way if he likes you and wont's to date you do not be worried about your looks He should like you for you the way you are" God made us in his image and wont's us to look to him and he will see us through in anyways... Good Luck..

  7. I think if you wrote down everything and tried to sort out your life that way then you might not feel so pressured and claustraphobic about your life.

    1. This fella you met - do you have a way to contact him? If not hunni you're just either gonna have to go back and see what happens or just forget about him

    2. Don't become anorexic its not all its made out to be. Once you have it, even if you recover the fact is that it will ALWAYS be with you and never truly be gone. In addition to this, its not just yourself u hurt it is ur friends and family - it is not worth it so don't go down that road it will truly mess up your life. If you feel you are over weight go to the doctors and she/he will advise you on what to do

    Good luck x

  8. holiday romance forget it? anorexic forget it?  

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