
What should I do I really need your help?

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Hey i live in Woodbridge NJ and it's time for me to apply to colleges and stuff. I don't plan on dorming so i need a college that is close to home. NY and colleges in NJ would be great but i have no idea where i should apply. Can you please tell me about some colleges/ universities that are close to home and really good for people who what to major in Biology and be a pre-med student?????!!! Thank YOU




  1. I think I maybe kind of know where Woodbridge is, but if I pick a few colleges that are a bit too far from there, forgive me.

    If you plan on being pre-med, you need to go to a strong university. It doesn't need to be Princeton (LOL, although that'd be great), but it does need to be decent, or you won't have a chance at med school. So in your area, those that I'd recommend most strongly would be: Rutgers New Brunswick, Princeton, NYU, SUNY Stony Brook, and Columbia. All have top ranked bio programs and all do a good job of getting students into med school. Those would be my first choices for you. But other colleges you could consider, which are great overall colleges, although their bio programs are a bit less strong than the above, would be Fordham, Yeshiva U, Stevens Inst of Tech, Vassar, Barnard, and Bard College.

    Any of those schools would work for you re: med school admissions.

    Maybes, back up schools, could be Drew U and The College of NJ, but if you can get into one of the above instead, go there. Your chances for med school will likely be stronger for that choice.  

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