
What should I do!! I think I have too many fish!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 mollies, a dwarf gourami, and 3 cories. One of my mollies is pregnant. I think I'm going to just let them grow up in my tank, if they make it. What should I do?? I can't get another tank, upgrade, or sell.




  1. Most stores will allow you to return some for store credit. So if in the future you decide to get another tank or some accessories you will have a reduced cost.


    They are freshwater tropical fish and require heating. Dumb idea.

  2. If you buy one of those micro heaters that fits in bowls and is made for bowls, yes you can put them in a bowl. You can sell them to a fish store or upgrade the tank. Depends on how much money you have, also, expect LOTS more babies!

  3. Put some of the fish in a fish bowl. Fish Bowls are very cheap. A big one will be around $7. You will be ok.

  4. Ive read that you shouldnt have mollies in anything smaller than a 20 gallon because they change the PH levels so badly. I had 2 in a 5 gallon tank with 2 other fish and they all ended up dying within 2 weeks. I waited a little while and got some different fish and theyre still fine alive, a year later, now in a 10 gallon. So I know it wasnt the tank. Call your pet store and ask them if they'll take some fish. Alot of them will because they can sell them again and make 100% profit.

  5. Depending on how big the fish are, you probaby have a crowded tank. The rule is one inch per gallon.

  6. well if you just let them grow in the tank most probably will get eaten. you have any left in the end then i would see if anyone would adopt them or buy them and if not then just leave them in the tank

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